Bato of The Water Tribe

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As you wait by the edge of the beach, you let out a long sigh. Placing your hands on your mask, you pull it off as you feel the cold breeze against your face.

"It's only been around a week in the human realm and everyone's starting to act really strange. Sokka's still trying to make advances on me. He always tries to throw his arm around me when I'm not looking and give me compliments but, between him and myself, it's not really working."

"Katara? She's...also making advances on me but, in more subtle ways. She tries to make conversation with me and sometimes, she'll touch my arm, only to immediately pull back afterwards. She's more chatter than I expected."

"As for Aang, he's been sneaking around way more than usual. We only seem to talk during practice. I'll have to talk to him more to let him know that it's okay not to sneak around."

You run your hands through your hair as you look out towards the ocean. "These kids. They need to stop being so damn secretiv-"

"What happened next!" As you hear the sound of footsteps and Aang's voice, you quickly put your mask back on your face. As everyone else runs next to you and look out to the ocean, Sokka speaks.

"I don't know...the trail ends here." You tilt your head to the side before pointing to a boat behind a rock. "You mean the trail of that boat right there?"

As you point this out, Sokka and Katara immediately gasp. "It's one of our boats!" As they run up to the boat, you follow after them. When you make it to the boats, however, you place your hands on your knees.

"Damn. That was such a long run!" You wheeze before dramatically falling to your knees. "My old heart!" Aang gasps before kneeling next to you. "Are you okay?"

You nod your head. "Yes. Just barely though."

As Aang pulls you back up, you smile before pulling your hand away from him. "Thank you, Aang."

When his grip on your hand tightens, however, you immediately give the male a confused look before tugging against his hand, once more.

"Um...Aang? Hello?" The said male snaps out of his daze before looking down at you. "Oh, Huh?"

"Could you please let go of my hand?" As Aang looks down and sees your fingers and his intertwined, he quickly pulls away before anxiously rubbing his neck.

"Sorry, (Y/n). I didn't mean to." You smile. "It's okay." Before turning towards Katara and Sokka examining the ship. "So, this is a ship you know?"

They nod. "This is a ship from our dad's fleet. Dad was here."

"Oh wow..."

As Aang and Katara lay down in their sleeping bags, you notice a troubled look on Sokka's face. Walking over to the said male, you sit on the ground before placing your hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay, Sokka?" He nods. "Yes. I'm fine. I'm just..." He sighs. "Thinking about dad..." You give him a sympathetic look.

"Want to talk about it?" Sokka nods.

"Ever since dad left, things have been tough. It's always been, "Help the kids", "Search for food", "Make sure you sister doesn't get into trouble". It feels as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders and I don't know what to do."

Grabbing the male's hand with yours, you give it a slight squeeze. As Sokka looks up at you, you warmly smile, causing his face to turn a soft shade of red.

"Well, if it really feels as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders then, you could always lean me and the others. We'll support you in any way or form we can. You know that."

From Admiration, To An Obsession (Yandere ATLA x Spirit Reader)Where stories live. Discover now