Birthday surprise [Rui Kamishiro]

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Regular au


Y/N: your name
F/A: favorite animal


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Plot; on the day of your birthday, your bestfriend; Rui Kamishiro, take the two of you around Phoenix wonderland for a wonderful amount of gifts and fun.

At first glance, you had figured it was how you would be spending your day, with your bestfriend and crush.

But for Rui? It was just a way to distract you from coming home. Where a party was held in surprise for you, with all of your friends waiting for you to see it.


You shrieked, watching as your oh-so stubborn parent grabbed you by the arm and whipped you out of bed with just a single pull, it was unfortunate to you that they were extremely strong.

You groaned sending a glare their way as they did nothing but ignore your antics; "Y/N, I am in no mood to fight with you right now young one."

They waved their finger menacingly, pushing you into the closet as a muffled voice was heard hence again. You huffed at the rude response, "Now get ready! Your poor friend Kamishiro is out right now waiting for you to come out! Who knows how long he's been sitting there for."

A sudden surge of energy & realization hit you, Rui was waiting for you? While you were dead asleep?

Without hesitation you reached out to grab a pair of clothing, rushing to wash up fast and as if you beat the world record, and soon you found yourself running outside of your bedroom.

You froze, spotting the exact boy lingering in your mind sat over at the table, humming to himself.

You cleared your throat, and he turned to you.

"What are you doing here?" You asked, slightly irritated that out of all days he decided to get your family to rudely drag you out of bed it had to be today, your birthday to be exact.

Now you weren't finding dory, so you of course remembered your date of birth, even more considering there was a calendar right over your bedside.

All Rui did was chuckle, sitting up from his chair to stand infront of you. Or rather, in other words, considering his ridiculous height... Loom over you.

"Happy birthday Y/N." He said, handing you a letter. Your irritation faded and was instead replaced with curiosity and intrigue.

You tore the letter open cautiously, looking through it to see a silly handmade card with a drawing of you and Rui. You both looked like goofs, it made you snicker whilst Rui's enjoyment only seemed to increase.

Your eyes darted to spot a little packet that seemed to be poorly glued on, reaching into it to find two Phoenix wonderland tickets.

You looked up at rui, spotting his hopeful eyes and inviting smile.

You couldn't help but return it, and Rui knew all too well what your answer was to the quiet yet comforting silence.

Unconditional Love - ✿ project sekai oneshots / scenariosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon