🌑 Ep.6: Little Gift Shop Of Horrors 🌑

Start from the beginning

"Oh boy," (y/n) muttered.

"Hey, hag face," Stan leaned against the booth's table, "how much for the junk watches?"

"They are not for sale, not for you, Stan Pines! The wind whispers your name," the old woman spoke, pointing at Stan.

Stan stood back up, "Alright, I get it, you're creepy. Anyways, less talkie more watchie." He threw some cash on the table, trying to snatch one of the watches away, when the old woman grabbed his wrist just as quickly.

"Get your hands off my watch!!!"

He let out a scream, pulling his hand away, "Eesh!! Freak show!"

As the four began to walk away, Mabel glanced back at the woman, "Wow, someone needs to work on their social skills!"

"And their observation skills," Stan added, showing his wrist which now glowed with the gold of the watch itself, "Boom!! Good job, heisting hands!"

"Grunkle Stan, are you seriously shop lifting from a witch? That sounded like a curse!" Dipper said, clearly worried about the situation.

"That sounded like a curse!" Stan mocked, "Hey, anyone wanna buy a wet blanket? We got a wet blanket for sale!"

Dipper crossed his arms with a glare, with (y/n) placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort. In the back, people noticed Toby Determined with a booth of wet blankets and a defeated expression.

The next morning, the twins and (y/n) sat at the dining the dining table while waiting for breakfast, Stan wearing some big pink baking mittens while holding a pan, "Alright, kiddos, breakfast time! Prepare your mouths to-" The pan then fell, along with the mittens, revealing Stan's complete lack of hands from the wrist down.

Waddles shrieked and hid under Mabel's legs, while she screamed in a panic, "HANDS!! Grumble Stan, what happened to your hands?! Your hands!!"

"... so I might've gotten cursed a little, but the watch looks nice, right?" He smiled down at the watch, then grew pale as a picture of the witch appeared.

"Foolish man, thieving hands find find wicked face!! You must return what-!"

He pulled the edge of the mitten over the watch with his mouth, "That's better."

"You're hopeless," (y/n) commented.

Dipper let out a sigh, "I told you, grunkle Stan, you gotta give that watch back and apologize!"

"What?! That old crone should apologize to me for denying my right to buy cheap junk!! I don't need hands, I've got self-respect!!" He sat on the table, trying to grab his coffee with his nubs, only to make it spill. Then he smacked the fork, the piece of bacon that was on it smacking into his face. "Mabel, sweetie, will you make your uncle some hands?"

About an hour later, Mabel came back with some cardboard cups and forks taped to it, finishing them up with a dash of glitter as Stan sat out on the porch, "La la la, hand makeover!! Say hello to your new hands!! In quotes!"

"Nice work, kid!" He tried to ruffled Mabel's head, the forks getting tangled in her hair and yanking a small piece out as he tried to pull away. He ignored Mabel's glare as he smiled, "See?! Hands are overrated! I'm ready to take on the day!!"

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Where stories live. Discover now