chapter 25

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[ five more chapters left omg!! im so excited for what you guys are gonna see at the end of this book!! the a/n is already done, so i will be releasing the last chapter and that at the same time. i hope you enjoy this chapter :D ]

America and Texas got in the car, just about to leave. UN ran out really quickly as America pulled down his window to see what was going on.

"Hey America, take these papers. I need to make sure we remind some people to undergo flag changes." UN said as they gave him the papers.

"Don't make me a communist." He replied, putting on his sunglasses.

"No! Now, I would never do such a thing! We're just removing a star for.. independence reasons." They smiled. "Just return it in the paperwork bin before the next meeting.

"Okay. See you then." He pulled up his window and put the paperwork somewhere.


Mimirm and Pole really hated that Texas would probably never talk to them again, but they were happy he was fully recovered. They realized the car was not leaving yet. They hid near the car and talked.

"I'm so so sad Texity is going to leave." Mimirm said, trying to see if the car was leaving.

"Same here.." Pole agreed. Suddenly he came up with an idea. "Wait, what if we got on the car? They'll never know we'll be there anyway!"

"It's going to make noises, so we'll have to do it.. now!" Mimirm grabbed his brother's hand and got off top of the car with him as it drove off. They tried to make sure they weren't going to fall off of the car, but they were also trying not to be seen. They must have looked like assholes out there.

A few minutes later, they were at the highway already. They could hear the radio from the inside of a nearby car, so they really wanted to sing along with it. They knew it was a bad idea since America may be able to hear them. They didn't really care about that, but they really should have cared.

The car in front of them was still playing really loud music. They really couldn't help not singing it, but they had no other choice. They started to sing so quietly that it wouldn't be suspicious.


America still drove on the highway, ignoring what was going on top of the car. He could just barely hear Mimirm and Pole singing to the loud music. He thought it was just him hearing things.

"What the fuck is that sound?" America thought to himself as the noises continued. "I swear I may just pull over if that shit don't stop." He tried to keep is focus away from the noises on top of his car, but they were so much more annoying than he thought they were going to be.

He tried to keep his eyes on the road. He knew he wasn't going to pull over. Eventually he would finally arrive home. He tried to stop worrying about the noise, but it still kept going, and it wasn't going to stop anytime soon.


"Mimirm, I think we need to stop doing this.." Pole whispered, trying not to be heard.

"Really? Maybe we can stop for a little bit!" Mimirm whispered back, trying to be quieter.

"It'll be okay. We're gonna be at that place soon.. wherever the hell we're going..."

Pole and his brother must have looked like lunatics out there to everyone else. To them, sitting on top of someone's car as they were driving was definitely lunatic behavior. It was definitely fun for them. They were worried they would never be able to see Texas again after what had happened to him.

_____________ timeskip by magicponiesruburuby 🪄🦄💎♦️

America finally pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car and slammed the door as he walked inside. He suddenly heard continued noises from the car and decided to question it. It was true, Mimirm and Pole got caught.

"Alright, who the fuck are you two? America asked.

"Oh.. uhm.. hi! I'm Mimirm.. and this is my brother Pole!" Mimirm responded shyly.

"Yeah, hello!" Pole chimed in.

"Hm. Interesting. why were you guys on the car, and how did you even get here?" America really was curious, maybe a bit too much.

"We just got on as you were driving away." Pole said.

"He's right, but we were afraid we would never see Texica again.. after what happened to him." Mimirm cried.

Pole hugged his brother as he started to cry. "We're sorry, America."

America just stood there, smiling after a few seconds. "Don't be." He said calmly. Pole looked up. "I-" He just stood there. "I know how you feel. Your friend's life hasn't been easy. I'm sure he's told you all about it before."

"Yeah. He has. We felt so bad for him." Pole looked behind him and looked back as soon as he could. "Don't you think we should head back now?"

America smiled once more. "Not until saying goodbye. Texas! Get out here!"

"Can I come too?" Florida exclaimed.

"If you want to!"

Texas and Florida rushed outside as soon as they could. Texas was really surprised that Mimirm and Pole were there. Florida went over to Pole and held his hand. Pole looked over and smiled. "Wait, are you that Florida guy?" Pole asked.

"Yeah!" Florida exclaimed. "Wanna be besties?"

"Uhm.. sure!" Pole let go of Florida's hand and looked over at Texas.

"Mimmy? Pole? What are you two doin' here?" Texas asked.

"We just went on America's car and followed you two home." Mimirm said proudly.

"Yeah.. we were worried we would never be able to see each other again." Pole added, sounding a bit sorry.

"You know what? How about this. You two can stay with us until I leave." Texas said. "As long as it's okay with you, dad?"

America looked over at the two brothers desperately, trying to think of something. Mimirm and Pole were viewed as lunatics by others just to end up where they are now. It would be a shame to not allow them.

"Of course."

Mimirm and Pole cheered in excitement and ran inside with Florida. It was so late into the night. Texas looked over at his dad quickly and walked inside behind the others.

1065 words.
finally, an update! im sorry about it. i have
exams coming up after my spring break is over.
i will have to study as the days get closer.

thanks for reading! the next 4 chapters are gonna be sad btw.
you have been warned!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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