chapter 23

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UN had lost their umbrella as it started to rain. They knew there was more people there besides Texas, so they had to get to work. Days and days have passed since the incident, so it would be obvious that it wasn't that big of a deal. It still was, and it wouldn't be anytime soon.

They remembered when they were cleaning the verification place the other night. They remembered everything about talking to D.C. about what had happened. Just when it all came together, they pulled up a checklist and crossed off Rikulandia's name.

"If she did something bad, I'll just make sure very few will ever recognize her." They whispered to themselves as they put the checklist away.


Rikulandia had to finally had to figure out how to fit in with the rest of the countries. She had tried so hard but hasn't succeeded just yet. As the rain tapped on her window, she still never regretted what she had done during the incident. It's okay though, she never regrets anything, and she probably never will.

She sat down and texted Solaria.

"So u doing okay?"
"Nothing. Just existing"
"Good! Wanna hang?"
"Ew no stop texting me"

She put her phone down and looked outside. She enjoyed being independent, but she began to realize what she had done before could have been a mistake.

Since she became independent, no one wanted to talk to her. She didn't regret what she did, but she thought about it. She wished she could do it again.


As UN went back to the hospital, they got a notification. They became surprised. Texas was going back home tomorrow! They rushed to the hospital as fast as they could. Once they got there, they took the sign off of the door as they opened it.

"Texas," UN pointed in excitement. "You're leaving tomorrow. Get packed up."

They left the room and slammed the door excitedly. They ran out to the lobby to sign Texas out. They were so excited to see him off on his own, dealing with his own things. They called America in excitement.

"Hello, best country here."
"Hello, this is UN, and I have news for you!"
America paused for a moment. "What the fuck could that possibly be?"
"Texas has fully recovered. He is returning tomorrow."
"Oh, okay. I'll pick him up then. Thanks."
"Of course! I will see you tomorrow!"
"Yeah yeah, bye."

The call ended and UN decided to do some more paperwork.

They knew it was going to be a long and busy day. They already finished cleaning out the verification place, but they weren't even that close to being done with anything else important.

All of a sudden, they got another phone call.

"Hello, UN services!"
"¡Que te jodan! Esta era tu- Oh, sorry."
"It's okay Mexico, what do you need?"
"Just a quick question, Where. Is. Texas."
"What? He's is the hospital."
"¿Está en dónde carajo? What did he do now?"
"He got in a really bad accident and he got hurt."
"Ah, okay okay. What what?? It was his fault then!"
"But I can-"

Mexico hung up on them. UN got out a checklist and started to schedule some meetings. They looked back to the hallway as they scheduled the meetings. They knew it was a bad idea to accept this. It may have been such a bad idea to make the decision to get someone independent.

They saw a car park outside the building. They quickly questioned it and continued to work.


UN looked up and saw Mexico. "Oh, hello! What do you need?"

"Just wondering, what room is Texas in? I must talk to him."

"You're probably just going to yell at him." UN insisted, putting the checklist away. "Don't you not want him to be independent?"

"Now, you are correctco por una vez." (translation: correct for once) Mexico looked down the hallway. "He must be down that hall, right? Don't tell me he's independent, por favor."

"Well too bad, he is." UN did not want to admit that. "I'm sorry you didn't want this, but he really-"

"No, he in fact did not deserve it!" Mexico ran down the hall, trying to look for the room Texas was in. He finally found the room and knocked on the door repeatedly, just to get attention.

"¿Estás poniendo música a todo volumen ahí dentro? ¿La música country en particular?" (translation: are you blasting music in there? country music in particular?) Mexico asked, still knocking on the door.

"That you, Mexico?" Texas asked, confused.

"Si, si. It's me, the greater country in the world." Mexico finally stopped knocking. "Question for you. why are you independent like this? You literally got away with it!"

Texas didn't respond for a moment.

"Ahem, does the greater country here exist to you?" Mexico asked in a rude way.

"Yes, you're here. I'm independent cause I deserve it." Texas responded, not even caring to open the door.

"Oh, so you deserve it, eh?"

As soon as Mexico said that, UN walked down the hallway to the room. It definitely looked like they were concerned.

"Okay, Mexico, what's going on here?"

"Oh you culo de mierda," (translation: shit ass) Mexico sighed. "This is none of your concern. Right Texas?" Mexico crossed his arms, waiting for a response. "None of this matters to you? Right?"

"Some of it does, but you don't."

"What? How dare you disrespect me like that? I took care of you and oh no! You left and joined America!"

"Mexico, calm down. I'm sure Texas is on to something. He told me everything you did." UN said calmly, trying to stop Mexico.

"Yeah, they told me everything."

"¡Oh, boo, oo! ¡Eso es tan triste! ¡Llorar llorar!" (translation: oh boo hoo! that is so sad! cry cry!) Mexico said sarcastically as he took something off the door and threw it away. "I'm joking. UN definitely needs to learn how to take a joke."

"Maybe learn how to make one." Texas said, opening the door.

"Oh, you're finally here! Vamos vamos, justo por aquí." Mexico grabbed Texas' hand and tried to take off, but Texas let go. "Oh, no no no! I swear you can see your siblings again if you just come with me.

"America will pick him up." UN chimed in.

"Oh no he won't."

"Yes, he will. Now go."

1066 words
*cry* this took me so long!! so sorry for the wait!
i was used to releasing a just because chapter. but
it's gone cuz there's some editing soon. i'll be back with 2
new chapters out at the same time!

anyway i hope you enjoyed today's chapter.
i promise ill be faster next time!

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