chapter 1

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That's all you'll ever need, right?

Texas always has been thinking of being independent for a long time now, so long that maybe the other states were involved too. As always, if one does something, the others would want to do it as well. However, nobody has really ever thought of leaving. As always, if one joins, they'll never leave again. He was leaving in the coming weeks anyway, so it was frightening to see him go. But one person wanted him to go. It was impossible, right? Everyone loved him! Nobody would want him to leave!! Right?

Meanwhile at the UN office, UN was talking to him about why he wanted to leave so bad.

"Ever wondered why you wanted to leave so bad?" UN asked.
"Well, I just don't like it there, ya know?" He replied. "He's just careless."
"Hopefully I can find a way to-" UN was interrupted by a door opening. It must be EU. No, it wasn't. It was America, and he wasn't too happy. Maybe he knew. He walked over and grabbed Texas' hand, taking him home.

"What the fuck are you doing? Get back here!" UN said, chasing after them.

It was almost too late when UN finally caught up to him.

"Dad, let go of me." Texas said, disappointed.
"No, we're going to go home and talk about it. Get out of here, UN."

No wonder everyone thought of America as someone careless. All he did was nothing. He didn't care about the meetings there. The door closed behind them. They left.

_________________________ time skip by laughing intensifies 😂

Back at home, Arizona was looking at the picture with a smear on it from a while ago. She sighed, looking outside her room. America was still making Texas follow him. Something sad would happen in the coming weeks. He would leave even though everyone loved him! It would be a bad idea if he ever left... Her thoughts were terribly interrupted by a crash.

Arizona went to go see where the crash come from. Turns out, Georgia and Florida were fighting over a little black star. For some reason, it looked very familiar.. It was the same black star that was on the fireproof gun last time. There was a flashback..

*Arizona tries to burn the gun, but it wouldn't do so. The star was thrown not that far away from her. She went to get it. Alaska tells her something important.*

Standing by the room both states were fighting in, at least she forgot about what Alaska said. She did forget! Alaska was silly. He always made up myths about the most random things.

"You bitch! It's mine!" Florida said.
"No! It's mine! It just looks so cool!" Georgia replied.

Just two states happens regularly. But something happened that made her not forget about what Alaska said. Something happened that was not meant to happen.

They dropped the star.
It broke.

There was another flashback...

"You're making Texas have the urge to kill you."

I guess we shall see later..

________________________ time skip by patchkids sour ⭕️

Later that night, Arizona tried to fix the star. She has been working on it for the past few minutes now, no hope to lose. Texas was just sitting there by her, waiting for it to be fixed. There was no more hope. There was no reason to keep trying. There was more of the black goo things dripping out of it. Maybe Georgia and Florida shouldn't have been fighting over it. Of course, they didn't know! They thought it was random! They were rivals after all!

"Sorry, I guess I can't fix it." Arizona said, giving him back the star that once was shining as ever.
"It's fine," Texas replied, holding onto it. "I'll try takin' it somewhere tonight."

He left.

As the Lone Star State left, there was a huge trail of the weird black goo following behind him. It was probably just the star, right? Maybe it was. This time, Arizona didn't investigate it until the next day. Maybe something happened to him. Of course, America never wanted any of his states to become independent. Nobody knows why. The states were known earlier. It was just a part of life.

Later that night, she got the picture from that long while ago, looking at it once again before she went to bed. It was a very beautiful picture of UK and North Carolina. No wonder she hid her own identity. Maybe she didn't want to be caught or something, but she did.

That was enough for one day. She went to sleep.


Later that night, there was a flickering light flashing from somewhere.

"What...who the fuck are you?"
"It's just me!" New Mexico stopped flickering the light for once.
"Why did you wake me up?"
"I really need to show you something, come on!" New Mexico grabbed Arizona's hand, running outside of the room they were in.

There was the black goo once again.

"Why should I care about it?" Arizona asked as New Mexico tripped on it. "I saw it earlier. It'll be fixed tomorrow." She went back to her room.

She tried to go back to sleep as she checked the time. It was 11:15. She sighed, trying to fall asleep after what happened. She heard something near her stop moving. She got off of her bed, looking at the note.

"The star. It's gone."

The star was really broken. Texas was going to get it fixed, right? There was so much to worry about now, it was almost time to just let go.

Hey, it's fine, right?
Maybe Texas wasn't getting it fixed.

986 words
yeah so sorry this took forever. it wouldn't save and it
made me sad. just stay tuned for chapter 2 and you'll
be fine! <33

note from future me: hello you sillies, i redid this chapter since it was a bit too crazy, you know? i made this book as soon as i finished control, which is now deleted. thanks for staying by my side as this progressed and bye bye 👋

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