chapter 2

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Arizona is done for now.
Let's move onto another point of view.

"I'm sorry ?????, this star can't be fixed," The guy trying to fix it said, a dissatisfying look on his face. "I don't even know anymore. May as well be discarded." He threw the now broken star into the trash can behind him. "Welp, may as well forget."

"Oh... well thanks for trying to fix it, I guess." ????? said.

"It's no hustle my guy." The man said as ????? left. Little did he know, the blonde-haired boy walking out of that repair shop was really Texas, just something else to hide himself from the "normal people." Nobody knew that the secret wouldn't be revealed until a long while from the current time.

It was only just about 2 more weeks before the state everyone knew and loved was gone. For good.

"Hey! Wait up!"

Texas turned around and saw that it was Mexico trying to chase him.

this part is in spanish so ill translate it for you. i don't know spanish btw. i just used google translate so ofc it's not entirely accurate.. correct me in the side comments here if im wrong —>

"Escuché la noticia de que te ibas. ¿es eso cierto?" Mexico asked. (translation: i heard the news you were going away. is that true?)

Texas did not respond to that. He never wanted someone that stupid to him know what he was planning.

"Respóndeme ahora!" (translation: answer me now!)

Again, Texas did not answer.

"Okay, okay fine. You can just come wi-" Mexico was interrupted.

"Hell no, why would I? You were never a good person to me. You just wanted to keep us trapped, to have no place to go!" Texas shouted.

"I did that because that stupid man whose name is 'Americaa!' wanted to just kidnap you! He's just a hombre borracho!" (translation: drunk ass man) Mexico argued as Texas left to go home.

As Texas went back home, he looked out into the distance. Many phones were all pointed at him. Was he being watched? Yes. He was simply being recorded by tons of "normal people." Couldn't they just mind their own business? Apparently not. Countryhumans and statehumans were all they were talking about then. Even now, his secret could be revealed.

"¡Vuelve aquí, joven!" (translation: you get back here young man!) It wasn't until then that Mexico had the audacity to chase after a state, just a normal state, or soon to be country.

Everyone in the distance just had to cheer one of them on. It was all the way until almost sundown, and yet still, there was a fight nearby. It was just too funny for them. No wonder they never knew what it was like for them, they were absolutely normal! They were having fun!

—————————————————- meanwhile...

"It's boring without Texas..." Florida said.
"I can never agree more." Tennessee agreed.
"Wait...what are you doing here?"
"I have no idea, I'm just here."

_______________________ time skip by fucking nachos

It was late at night now, and Texas was still not back. This moment was that time where some states were worried. There was no choice. Tennessee called Canada.

-beep ring.

"Hi Can-Can. Texas is gone and he's still not back!
"Oh...want me to get a search party?"
"Your gonna have to."
"Alright. Let me ring up your granddad."

It was time.
The search party has begun.
569 words
fr i didn't have a clue about what to
put into this chapter so i made it short.
really short.

the next chapter (search party) will be much much longer. (i hope)

message from future me: 3/2/24- hello beeps! i will be editing this chapter as soon as this book is done!! i will be removing the character named ????? and the meanwhile thing to the timeskip i use now which is ................ . also normal people will be removed! see you in chapter 24!

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