chapter 11

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Yet again, independence is getting closer each day.

It used to be only a one in a million dream to gain independence, but now it's almost guaranteed. Texas realized that he had to get the verification paper D.C. gave him done by tomorrow, or else no achievement that everyone wants.

Most people don't know, but others do. He's not the only one that's trying. It was a big suspicion that the person who sent him the note was also trying, too. Of course, he couldn't worry about it now. There wasn't enough time to do anything else, all that was in his mind was getting independence.

He was just waiting for the day to arrive, trying to do literally anything to make the day go by much, much faster than it could possibly be. Some of the states thought it was weird for doing that, but he was just completely crazy about it. As time kept passing throughout the day, it was just boring to see the time to be going slower after he tried everything he could.

At cityplace, however, things were a little more chaotic than expected. Austin just decided to pack up his things a little bit earlier than he thought. Dallas and Houston were just talking about things, and San Antonio was just talking to other cities. Little did they know, they would be leaving soon.

Very soon.

"Frick it Austy. We gotta go soon." Dallas said, worried.
"We don't go with him to the thing.. don't we?" Austin asked.
"Not really.. that's bad."
"Hold up," Houston ran to the window, seeing a mysterious person standing outside of cityplace. "Who the hell is that!?"

They all ran outside, seeing someone they didn't even recognize.

"Howdy there!!"

The girl looked down at the cities, confused.

"Hello? I really don't know you. What's your names?"
"Oh.. well I'm Dallas, this is Austin and Houston!!"

The girl was pretty intrigued in them. She was wearing a pink shirt and some black shorts. She looked down at the boys, confused.

"Well.. uhh.. nice to meet you! I'm Solaria." Solaria looked down at them again and smiled, as if she seemed like a nice person. She really was! "So.. did you need me for anything?"

"No.. We just saw ya out of our place!" Austin looked up at the window that was their room, then back at Solaria.

"Oh.. That makes sense. I'm just waiting for my ride.. I'm getting independence soon."

Houston was pretty confused about what Solaria just told him. "Well we know someone gettin' independence too!"

"Lucky you," She stared at the road, finding her ride coming down the street. "Here's my ride. Talk to you later!" Solaria got in the car and left as the boys went back inside cityplace.

_________________________ timeskip by fuckuanduanduuuuu 🤬☺️

Meanwhile, Texas was calling cityplace.

"Thanks for calling CityPlace management. If you wish to call a manager from cityplace, press one. If you wish to call a city, press two. If you-

Texas pressed two.

"Thank you.  You have been to cityplace before, so we will ring up one of your cities for you. Once again, thank you for calling CityPlace management."

"Hello? Dad, you there?" It was Austin.
"Yeah, I'm here. What's wrong?"
"There's.. a little problem here.. Like.. How about ya just get over here and take us with you to your little.. verification place..?" Austin muttered under his breath. "Pretty pretty please???"
"Look buddy, I can't. They won't let me." Texas felt a little worried that he couldn't take his kids with him, but he had to do what he had to do.

"Sad.. I really looked forward to it but—"

The cityplace wifi was cut off for the night.

"Austin? Austin, can ya hear me??"

Texas sighed, hanging up the phone and setting it down on the desk near his room. He saw a note on the wall and took it from there, reading it.

"Hey bitch.

It's me again! You didn't know that? Yep! It's me, the person that's doing this.

I have something for you to do. I need you to talk to whoever's trying to give you independence and tell them you changed your mind about it and you decided not to. Okay? Good. Now.. How about next you let the person you hate know that you're sorry and you don't want to upset them anymore!

Stop trying. It won't work.."

It won't work!? Texas crumbled up the paper in disappointment and threw it away.

Since he read that stupid, silly letter, he dozed off in his thoughts about becoming independent. He always wanted to do it!! Everything he thought about was just about sweet, sweet independence that he always wished for and loved. It's just that.. if he'd only had it sooner, none of this would've happened!

None of it.




"Hey Tex?"


"Texas!! You there??"

He realized Florida was there, and stopped thinking about the future.

"Flori? What's up?"
"You okay?? You kinda were.." Florida sighed. "You know what I mean.."
"Yeah, I'm fine!" Texas lied, trying not to be caught.
"Kay, just checking." Florida ran away, his gator slippers making a noise that was pretty funny and amusing.

Texas had to do something, and fast. It was almost too late.

Or maybe not.

D.C. walked in.

"Hello, Texas. So.. you ready?"
"Ready? Ready for.. what?"
"To get independent?"
"Oh sweet Alamo, hell yeah!"
"Grab the verification paper, we're going to get you the independence that you always wanted.."

Texas followed D.C. to the car, getting inside and getting his seatbelt on, holding the verification paper tight, just so he didn't lose it.

"Yeah. Let's go!"

Don't worry about what they say..

You're getting it no matter what..

971 words.
back from my break! hopefully you guys showed
lone star to much more people and yeah..
btw im currently making a new book, Just Because..
itll come out when this entire book is finished! stay tunedd


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