chapter 14

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D.C. looked at the time on his watch. It was the middle of the night. He knew that it wasn't possible to help Texas anymore. They thought he always depended on them, but not anymore. D.C. walked out of the room and left. They were better off alone, or so he thought..

As he flew down the stairs, (no i mean literally) he did feel bad that he would have to leave Texas all alone, but rules are rules, he always supposed. They knew that he hated being alone. Looks like this was going to be a while to get used to. They walked outside the hotel, finding Mexico and Spain sleeping in their car. D.C. walked to the front of the hotel, sleeping as well.

The next morning, D.C. woke up to find Mexico near them, controlling the drone by the hotel room. Mexico finally noticed him, letting Spain control the drone as he walked over to D.C.

"Hola, capital." Mexico said, clearly not amused.

"Can you not call me capital?"

"Ugh. Whatever, D.C..." Mexico sighed, watching Spain struggle as she tried to get the drone down. "Oh España.. It's that button, silly!" Mexico pointed to the down button on the controller as he looked at D.C., unamused. Once the drone was down, he walked back over to D.C., still not wanting to do this.

"Hey Mexico..?"
"What now, capital?"
"Can you give me a ride home?" They asked in embarrassment, and Mexico sighed.
"Whatever, capital. I'll be right back, hermana." D.C. got to the car with Mexico, getting home as soon as possible.

The ride home on the busy highway was pretty calm at first, but at least the was no traffic jam. D.C. did their paperwork, clearly ignoring all the traffic in front of them. Mexico was frustrated, as always, but he tried not to distract them from the paperwork they had to do. The sun continued to shine bright as ever, shining a bright light that continued to be distracting.

"So, why do you need this ride home, capital?" Mexico asked, confused.
"Well, I do suppose it's against the rules to help someone get independence. Don't they have to do it on their own?" D.C. responded as they kept doing more paperwork.
"That is true," He chuckled a bit as the traffic was still as bad as ever. "By the way, what's the paperwork?"
"Government things. They don't involve you much."
"Ah, I see." Mexico sighed. "Pretty small for you, huh?"
"I guess that's how it goes.."


It's how it goes..


Meanwhile, Texas woke up to find D.C. not there. He was confused, as well as concerned. He was alone now, and there was nothing he could do about it. After a while, he gave up trying to look for them, and went to a mandatory UN guide for those becoming independent. However, he somehow didn't spot the drone yet.

The guided meeting lasted for about two hours, not nearly as long as expected. At least it was just him and a couple other people, not too bad, but D.C. was gone. He was worried if something happened to them. He rushed towards the window, Mexico's car not being there. Maybe he took them? D.C. can't be trusted with him! He's not a bad person, but he could be..

Texas walked away from the window, closing the blinds as he did another sheet of paperwork for the next couple hours. The hard part was that he wouldn't have D.C. to help him anymore, not for a long time anyway. The star that was meant to be his left eye turned gray. He tried to resist it from turning black, but it was all stronger than him.

He had to get D.C. back.

Of course, the sun shined brightly as Texas took off his ripped up jacket, throwing it off to the side. Even though the blinds were closed, he kept getting more distracted from the outside. He didn't want to be here anymore. He hated it here. Of course, it was the middle of summer. It's expected, but still a distraction.

Suddenly, he heard Spain outside the hotel room, trying to get in.

"Hola Texas! It's me, España!" Spain said cheerfully as Texas opened the door. Spain rushed inside and hugged him. "I haven't seen you in ages! Where have you been?"

"Well.. its a long story.."

"Long story, eh? ¡Cuéntame todo sobre eso!" (translation: tell me all about it!)

"I can't.. I don't have the time right now."
"That's okay! Well, Mexico will be back soon. I have to go!" Spain ran out of the room, shutting the door.


"Here you are, capital." Mexico said, stopping at America's house.

"Thank you, Mexico." D.C. grabbed their paperwork, getting out of the car. They rushed inside, happy to be back. Mexico drove away, going back to the hotel.


Luckily, the way to the verification place was open tomorrow. Texas was very excited about this, but at the same time, he would miss being a state. He would miss the fun silly moments that he had with his best bros. Exactly as it went, it was the end of a long era, even though he wasn't independent just yet.

Meanwhile, D.C. walked back to their office, trying to stay quiet since some of the states were asleep. Once they got to the office, they set the paperwork down on the desk tiredly. A couple minutes later, America walked in, also tired.

"Hey D.C. Why home so early?" America asked, confused.
"Apparently, it's against the rules if you take someone to the verification place. They have to go themselves." D.C. responded, unfortunate.
"That sucks." He sighed, tapping his pen on the desk. "Well hopefully Texas does get verified. You know how he is."

It was true. Texas was pretty sneaky when it came to leaving, but this was a real thing that was going on. They would never know..

Or would they?


Meanwhile, Texas was still in the hotel room in the dead of night. He actually missed D.C. for once in a while. At least he can continue getting independence without anyone holding him back. Everyone would congratulate him on his progress, and that was the good part of this, but he would miss when he was still a state.

As he looked in his bag, he found a picture of him and Florida. However, that was the past. There's no way in hell he'd ever come across it anymore. He didn't want to take it out until he actually became verified. There wasn't much time left, anyway. He put the picture back in the bag, closing it up.

It was only a matter of time before he had to go. He missed the time when he was a state. He had a lot of fun as a state. Sometimes, it would be hard let go, but he had to let go. This was the end. It always was the end, at least for him. It would be better for him if he was a country anyway.

Suddenly, he realized that once he gets independence, he can't go back. Was he really sure this was the right thing to do? He was reminded of all the fun things they did together. It was the best time to be alive. He missed it to this day, and he can't have those memories anymore.

The star that was meant to be his left eye turned black..

And he broke out into tears..

1253 words.
you were warned hehe.. this chapter became
depressing fast.. its almost sad
to think about :(

anyways, we're almost halfway there!! this was
supposed to be released on saturday but
i had some things to do :)

have a happy halloween!

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