chapter 5

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Wasn't there a reason for this party to be held?

Maybe there was..

The only way to do something with his disappearance was a party since he returned. Besides, what could possibly go wrong? Everyone loved Texas. Nobody would ever leave him alone! Everyone loves Texas.


Enough on that. The party just has to begin soon.

Texas began to get ready for it. He thought to wear his normal black shirt and some jean shorts, but not today. He was going to wear just his cowboy outfit. A brown shirt, a red ripped jacket, some ripped jeans, and his average cowboy boots. (the same fit as on the cover of this btw)

_________________ time skip by really angsty commercials 😡

"Oh, hello Texas! So glad you're here." D.C. greeted.
"Howdy." Texas adjusted his cowboy hat, trying to make it not touch the hidden halo he had.

They began discussing about the party now. Little did they know, some others knew about it, too. Not just them.

"Where's the party even at?" Texas asked.
"Come with me."

They both went out to the streets to find that party place they were supposed to find. Of course, it was where the party was! However, as D.C. and Texas were walking downtown, they were stopped by Mexico once again.

"Hola, silly little mistake." Mexico said.
"Mistake...?" Texas thought to himself. As he tried to respond back, D.C. stopped him.


"He's not a mistake." D.C stated, trying to defend him and Texas.

"Have you fucking heard about him? He ran away from me when he wasn't supposed to. You know what?" Mexico grabbed D.C. by their shirt, throwing them quite far away.

"Perra." (translation: bitch.)

Texas looked towards the ground as the star on his face that was meant to be his left eye turned slightly gray, and completely white again. Once he looked up, Mexico had left them alone. He was gone. He must've not regretted it. He ran towards where D.C. was thrown to, which was probably a couple inches away.

"Ya okay D.C.?" He asked, helping them up.
"I'm okay, just a couple bruises," D.C. replied. "Anyways, come on. We have a party to plan."

Ahead of them was somewhere for a great place for a party. There was a sign with a star on top of some words saying "Party Place!!" It was really a great place for a party.

"This is it. This is where the party is."

Inside of the building was a stage with lights and a Texas flag hanging above it. There was also a microphone of some sort. This wasn't public access for now, was it? Maybe it was.

If only someone else was here.

"I'll keep you here for a bit, let me know when you want to leave." D.C. said, walking out the doors.

Meanwhile, Texas explored the party room. The stage was still there, obviously. There was a small black box on it. He went to that box and opened it. That's when he knew this wasn't where he would be a country! This star...

Was a good luck charm.

He put the little golden star back in the box, closing it back up. Suddenly, there was a noise. It was someone nearby. Looks like some people were having a conversation about what to serve for the party coming soon. He slowly backed away from the stage to find another gold star. Of course, it wasn't his. It was someone else's. He tried to hear what they were saying..

"Still, punch should be served. It's a lot better than your stupid little idea!"
"No, wine is going to be served, bitch!! It's more perfect for this occasion!"
"Outrageous, ??. Just outrageous."

He had to run out, and fast.

Of course, those people knew nobody was there, or so they thought. Those people talking weren't just any ordinary countries. Actually, they weren't even countries or literally anything else at all!

They were normal people.

He knew normal people liked him so much, they would follow him around. He ran out the doors, trying to find D.C.. At least the normal people didn't have a chance to catch him. Or so he thought..

"Hey, someone just ran out."
"Who was it? Better not be star man."
"What? How am I supposed to know??"

At least the normal people didn't catch him before he got outside, but when he looked over, D.C. wasn't there. He tried to look around the party place, but they were nowhere to be found. Of course, D.C. would always keep a promise. Looks like today they just changed their mind instead, not keeping the promise they had.

He kept looking around, but he couldn't find them.

There was no other option. He had to call them.

-ring bing- *calling D.C.*

"Where did ya go? Didn't ya say ya would wait for me?"
"I'm right next to you, silly."

He finally hung up, looking over.

"There ya are! Thought I lost ya."
"Heh," D.C. chuckled. "Anyways, let's get back home already."

They walked home.

____________ time skip by the underrated police 👮🏻‍♀️

Later that night, Texas checked the time on his phone. 9:15 pm? Hm. If only someone there wasn't a normal person trying to plan the party. The doorbell finally rang as his phone turned off.

"This better not be a normal person." He thought to himself.

He went down a couple floors to finally answer whoever was there. Suddenly, a familiar voice to him was heard as he opened the door. Turns out, it was his twin brother from when before he became a US state.

"I missed you so much!"
"Me too."

They had a short conversation before he had to go back home. At last, the party can continue in a couple days, or possibly tomorrow. Of course, it took a while. At least this time, it couldn't be forgotten.

At least for a long time, not forgotten.

1028 words.
i think ima start wasting
your time now with these long
chapters lol. anyways at least if you're
excited, make sure to vote! (not forcing)

message from future me: 3/2/24- hello beeps! i will be editing this chapter as soon as this book is done! i will be removing the "everyone loves texas" spam and underline dialogue when people call each other as i do now. see you in chapter 24!

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