"That's not true" Isabela gritted her teeth "You-"

"So why didn't her brother Ricky tell her about you?"

"He tried but she-"

"He told you that he tried once, but he didn't keep trying after that, right? Why is that?"

"Because Elena wouldn't believe him. There was no-"

LDM shook their head "Because he was in it the whole damn time! Ricky knows the truth, he played along because his sister asked him to"

"This is pointless" Isabela muttered angrily "Let me go now"

"Stubborn as hell like always" LDM tapped on their mask, something that was a habit of them.

As Isabela continued to struggle against the ropes the wind picked up and a flash of lightning jolted her in surprise.

"I won't trust anything that you say, you are the pathetic one if you think I'll do"

LDM tightened the hold on her "Then go find out by yourself, right now go and ask her straight to her face"

"You're crazy"

"Isn't everyone? I'm patient but there's so little time left"

"For what?"

"You'll see. But right now I'm commanding you to do one last thing for your own good"

"No" Isabela was fuming "I'm over this"

"It wasn't a suggestion, it's an order. I don't want Elena to keep playing with you like this, go to her and confront her. I bet she'll tell you the truth"

"It's midnight! You are completely out of your mind"

"If you don't do it...let's just say that there will be consequences, and I'm looking forward to having some fun with Elena so be careful with your decision"

"You are insane! Why can't you just leave us alone?"

"Because you have something that I want, and you'll find out just what it is very soon"

LDM snapped their fingers once more and the ropes were immediately withdrawn "You know that I find out about everything and if tomorrow morning I hear that you didn't do what I said...you'll be responsible for what happens to Elena"

"I can't just do it now-"

"Yes you can and you will. Go and confront her tonight...she's already home as you saw. Tell her that I told you about everything already"

"I don't want to-"

"Well then I'm sorry for what's about to happen to her"

"No" Isabela resisted the urge to punch them right under the mask "I'll do it, but I know that this is just a sick game to you . Don't you dare touch a single hair on her"

"I promise I won't...and even though my word means nothing to you, this time I mean it"



That's how Isabela found herself outside of Elena's house, she was ashamed to even be there but LDM promises were not just idle threats .

"This is ridiculous" Isabela muttered as she stared at Elena's quiet window

"Uh is everything alright?"

Enchanted feelings जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें