Chapter 11

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"YOONGI!" Taehyung yelled as he sprinted to the rapper. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew something was very wrong. Yoongi was heading to the plane wreck to find some stuff, but the second he got there he was gasping as if he was in immense pain and turning very pale at the same time. But as soon as Taehyung got closer, his eyes intermediately landed on a small apple green snake that had his fangs buried deep inside Yoongi's left calf.

"Fuck let go of him!" Taehyung yelled at the snake as he reached out for Yoongi who was starting to sway dangerously on his feet, but then the snake let go of his first pray and focused on the younger one. "Oh shit" the boy mumbled and started to desperately look around for something to kill the venous animal. The snake however didn't wait and made his first attempt to bite his next victim.

Taehyung had jumped aside just in time to avoid the snake, but he did lose his grip on Yoongi who lost his consciousness completely and dropped to the ground like a ragdoll.

"Hyung, no!" the boy yelled terrified, but he had to stop and dodge yet another attack of the snake. But when the animal tried again for the third time, Taehyung suddenly kicked out and hit the snake right in his face. The beast fell to the ground and twisted his broken body until Taehyung brought his foot down on the snake again, holding it as he waited until it stopped moving completely.

"Hyung!" Taehyung panted and dropped to his knees next to the unconscious member.

"TAEHYUNG, WHAT JUST HAPPENED?" he heard Seokjin shout behind him, but he didn't bother to answer him right now. His focus was completely on Yoongi, who looked like he was on death's door.

"Please, please, don't do this. Please hyung" the boy mumbled as he felt for a pulse in the cold clammy neck of the older one. He quickly found a pulse, but he wasn't relieved though. Yoongi's heart was beating like crazy, but his breaths were the opposite; slow and very shallow. He checked the injured leg as well, but the two small puncture wounds didn't look impressive at all. It didn't even need a bandage because it already had stopped bleeding. The venom however, was clearly running it's course through Yoongi's body as the rapper looked deadly ill and there was nothing Taehyung could do about it right now.

"Please wake up hyung, please don't leave us like this" Taehyung cried and desperately started to shake Yoongi in an useless attempt to wake him up.

"TAEHYUNG! TAEHYUNG PLEASE" Seokjin kept yelling for him, but the second youngest felt the world crashing down on him so answering was one of the last things he wanted to do right now. His members were dying in front of his eyes and he just couldn't take it anymore. He stopped shaking Yoongi's shoulders, because why would he? Yoongi was dying, Hoseok was dying or maybe he was already dead, Jungkook was... well god knows what is wrong with his only donsaeng. And the three other members were probably disabled for the rest of their lives.

"Taehyung, please talk to me, please" Seokjin begged again

But Taehyung didn't care anymore and without saying anything he stood up and walked away into the forest as he left everyone behind.


"TAEHYUNG!!" Seokjin screamed again


"Hyung help me get up" Namjoon interrupted him and crawled closer to Seokjin the best he could without using his broken arms.

"What you do think you're doing?" the older one asked confused. Namjoon huffed a little annoyed and tried to stand up on his own "Shit Namjoon, sit down!!! Taehyung just ran off and you try to lose your arms for real?!!!"

"I want-" but then Namjoon groaned and let himself fall on his butt ungracefully when the pain became too much "I want to find Taehyung, so are you going to help me or not?"

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