Chapter 10

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Yoongi was starting to get restless. Not because because he barely closed his eyes last night or because of boredom, but because Hoseok was visibly getting worse under their watch. He, Namjoon and Seokjin were sitting around the sunshine member and they could only watch how his skin was losing its colour and how his breathing had became shallow and fast. The rest of the hyung line kept looking at each other, sharing worried glances but none of that could help Hoseok, not when he was injured like this.

The wound in his stomach had stopped bleeding but the redness around it was expanding towards the rest of his stomach and since one or maybe two hours he had developed a fever as well. So the boy was not only battling with an internal bleeding, but also with a serious infection...

"Hyung..." Taehyung called from where he was sitting next to Jungkook's side "Can I... do something? Get some water? Or - or the medical bag? To clean his wounds?"

Yoongi sighed and looked at Hoseok's still form again. The rapper gently stroked the pale and heated cheeks with his thumb before he lifted his head to look at Taehyung again "It's okay Taehyung, I cleaned his wound around one hour ago"

"Oh okay" the second youngest mumbled a bit disappointed

"Do you want to swap places for a moment? I will watch over Kook" Yoongi said and stood up before the other could respond. He hadn't voiced his concerns about Hoseok yet, but he could tell that Taehyung knew exactly how bad his condition was. And if their sunshine was going to die in their hands, then Yoongi hoped that they could at least say goodbye to him.

Taehyung must have taught the same and gratefully swapped places with the older member. And just like Yoongi had done, he stroked Hoseok's hair and cheeks with his fingers while silent tears were streaming down his face.

"Please hyung, please don't leave us"


Another hour had passed and things weren't getting any better. Yoongi was currently sitting next to Jungkook, was had passed out not too long ago and their hopes that his head wound would get better over time had completely disappeared. It was clear that something was very wrong. His symptoms were only adding up and losing consciousness was just one of them. But this time Yoongi wasn't sure if the boy was going to wake up again. He couldn't tell why, but it was just a nagging feeling in his stomach that made him believe it. Their youngest wasn't himself anymore the last time he was awake as he kept mumbling incoherent things and moving around as if he was very drunk. And every time he woke up after passing out, he would only act worse but how could it possibly get any worse than this?

The rest of the conscious members were glancing backwards to the maknae to keep an eye on him as well and Yoongi could see the struggle in their eyes. Especially in Namjoon's since their leader was immobile and stuck on his designated place beside the fireplace. The leader was grateful that at least Hoseok and Jimin were within arms-reach, but he could only watch from a distance how his youngest donsaeng was fairing. Seokjin had the same problem but with Jimin instead. The eldest couldn't get closer to the boy who was lying next to Namjoon with his splinted arm and leg lying limp on the ground as if they didn't belong to their smallest member.

The oldest maknae was unconscious like Hoseok and Jungkook, but the others were slightly less worried about him though. Yes, he was in a lot of pain and this left side was badly damaged, but the boy seemed to be stable at least. He wasn't developing a fever like Hoseok, or becoming very pale. Nor were his symptoms getting worse or adding up like Jungkook. It was strange that his severe injuries suddenly looked a little less worrisome when compared to Hoseok who was lying on the other side of Namjoon. But their worries were completely overruled with pure sadness when Jimin woke up from time to time. It was always short, maybe 10-15 minutes before he passed out again, but those minutes were very long and very painful. It hurt to see one of their own in this much pain, and it hurt even more knowing that they couldn't help him. It felt like the boy was suffering on his own, so Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon tried everything to make him feel that he wasn't alone and give him as much love and comfort as they could possibly give.

Another member who was also in a lot of pain was Namjoon. The young rapper wasn't showing it a lot, but the others weren't this easily fooled. The painkillers he had taken earlier were almost empty and the last ones were reserved for Jimin of course. But the lack of painkillers wasn't the only problem. The lack of mobility was. Namjoon wasn't just chosen to be the leader of BTS because of his English skills, but also because he was a born leader. A leader that put his members needs before his own, and that wasn't any different after crashing with a plane in the middle of the jungle. He didn't care if his arms were broken, he needed to check on each and everyone at all times. He already mentally kicked himself for sleeping for hours during the night, leaving Yoongi alone to take care of them and he made a vow to never let that happen again. His character combined with immense worries and the constant threats around them was making Namjoon a bit careless. More than once had he tried to move his broken arm to cover Hoseok a little better with the blanket, or wiggling around to get a better view of Jungkook. The pain didn't stop him anymore, so Seokjin, Yoongi and Taehyung had to scold and pull him back every time because otherwise he wouldn't stop. It was tiring for the rest, but nobody could blame him though.

Seokjin was more or less the same story as Namjoon. The oldest member was immobile, but the biggest difference was that he could at least use his arms. He could provide some help or comfort to Jungkook and Hoseok, even though it was usually not much he could do. But having the ability to do something was always better than completely nothing and especially when they were surrounded with unconscious members. Another thing Seokjin praised himself 'lucky' for were his injuries. His ankles were hurt badly, but since it were tendons that were cut, and not bones, it hurt a lot less than Namjoon's and Jimin's injuries. So the eldest was becoming a bit reckless as well and tried to drag himself around the fireplace if it was up to him. Thankfully, Yoongi and Taehyung had different opinions and stopped him before he ruined his ankles for life.

Taehyung was in Yoongi's eyes a blessing. The second youngest's skin was a mess, but he was a great help. Not only because he could gather things and build the fire, but because the boy didn't lose hope. Sure, in the beginning Taehyung had been overwhelmed and extremely worried about the others, but when the hyung line was starting to lose hope, he managed to find it again. It almost seemed like that Hoseok had passed his sunshine to the second youngest to make sure that the others would survive. It gave the older members comfort and something to keep hold on, and the boy himself didn't even seem to notice he was doing it. And that made him even more precious. But Yoongi was also scared how he was going to react if Hoseok would die. Just like with Jungkook, the rapper had a nagging feeling about Taehyung, but in this case that the boy would fall apart if their dancer would leave them forever. And judging Hoseok's condition, it seemed like the question wasn't if he was going to die, but when...

Once again, Yoongi felt tears forming in his eyes and forcefully tried to blink them away. He had cried too much already today and it was giving him a headache. And on top of that was his stomach starting to grumble. It had been hours since the last time they had eaten something and that was only some simple snacks. Help could arrive any minute but also take another couple of days, so Yoongi decided to get up and search the plane one last time for some hidden places with food. Different kind of ripped packages were covering the ground in front of the plane wreck, the only reminder that the monkeys had visited them hours ago. At least they hadn't come back again, but the rapper knew that if he found food, he would need to keep them hidden this time. Maybe he could take one of the trolleys that had a lock on it? That could work maybe! Yoongi got more confident and determined as he came closer to the entrance of the plane. Everything still looked the same, so the rapper wasted no time and immediately stepped inside. But as soon as his right foot stepped inside, he felt something soft underneath his shoe followed by a loud hiss and a sharp pain in his leg.

He tried to look at his leg, but black spots were already swimming around before his eyes and he had to use every bit of concentration and strength to find something to hold onto. At the same time he could hear someone shouting for him, but why would they? Yoongi didn't understand and winced when the pain in his leg intensified and traveled through the rest of his body. He could barely keep his eyes open long enough to see Taehyung running towards him before he suddenly felt weightless and let darkness win his battle.

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