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Mia smiled as she laid in her hospital bed, Tony holding baby Anthony. She watched as he cooed at their son, the two of them laughing when he yawned.
"He's unamused," Mia teased.
"Oh, most definitely," he joked back.
Tony's heart was full. He had everything he could want- a beautiful fiancé and a beautiful baby boy. He didn't care if he wasn't blood related, the only thing he cared about was giving this child the love he deserved. Something he was unable to give his daughter.
Mia looked up and saw Jodie walk in the room with flowers and a small balloon. They all three looked at each other and Tony placed Anthony in his bassinet.
"I'll leave you two alone," he whispered.
They watched him walk out and Jodie sighed setting the stuff down. The two women were quiet as Jodie sat on the sofa near Mia's bed.
"I'm sorry," Mia blurted out. She stared at her friend and sighed. "I should have listened from the beginning."
"Yeah. You should have." Jodie bite her cheek and got up. "I'm sorry too. I should have been there for you more."
"You were though. I just never listen," Mia chuckled. Jodie chuckled too as she made her way to her nephew.
"You never listen," Jodie scoffed.
"I know. Tony says the same thing. I guess I'll have to work on that," she smiled. "I love you and I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry as well and I love you too."
The two girls continued to talk and Tony came in with a bouquet of flowers and chocolates.
"No clue who sent this. Wasn't able to check cause people were screaming at me like bone headed idiots," he sighed.
"I'll check," Mia groaned while struggling to sit up.
She smiled as Tony handed Anthony to Jodie, the two of them gushing over how precious and little he was. Mia grabbed the card from bouquet of flowers and opened it, her back facing Tony and Jodie.

"I know things haven't been easy for us, but I still wanted to congratulate you on the birth of our son. I hope we can work together to give him the best life possible. If there's anything I can do to support you or the baby, please don't hesitate to let me know.

I wish you both all the best in the future,

Mia stared at the card and got a little choked up, quickly pulling herself together. Jack didn't deserve her nor the baby. He wanted nothing to do with her son what so ever. She was happy with where she was in life without him. She felt complete for once.
"Who's it from?" Jodie asked softly as she crept up beside her friend.
"No one," Mia replied with a smile.
Jodie took a glimpse of them name, a smile appearing on her face as Mia tore up the card and tossed it in the trash.
Feeling proud, Jodie watched as her best friend made her way to her little family.

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