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Mia sipped her water and set her glass on her nightstand as she patiently waited for Tony to call. She inhaled deeply and leaned her head against the back of the headboard.
   Seeing Jack made her anxiety spike. She knew how both Jack and Anjelica could be towards her and the last thing she needed was problems between her and Tony.
   She looked over at the phone as it began to ring debating on whether or not she wanted to answer. She mustered the courage and picked up the telephone holding it to her ear.
"Hi," Mia whispered softly rubbing her eyes. She shut them and smiled when she heard Tony's voice.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just miss you." She laughed as fought back tears, her jaw clenched a bit as she opened her eyes.
   "I miss you more, my love. Now can you please tell me what's wrong?"
     She heard him sip his coffee and she wiped away a tear.
   "Nothing's wrong," she laughed.
   "Okay good, I wanted to make sure." She smiled softly knowing he probably had a cheesy smirk on his face.
   "How's the film going?" She curled up under the blanket on Tony's side of the bed and stared at the photo of the both of them that sat on his nightstand.
As he talked on and on about the film, Mia listening closely to his morning voice. The deepness of it, how much she wished he was beside her. She slowly lifted her nightgown and put hand down her panties, her cunt already wet.
   "Are you still there?" He laughed a bit and realized what she was doing. "Ahh, I see," he said deeply.
  "Keep talking," Mia moaned softly as she rubbed her clit trying not to end the call by accident.
   "Times up, my love," he laughed. "I gotta go." Mia groaned and pulled her hand out of her panties.
   "I need to tell you something first." Saying that sentence made her stomach drop. She rubbed her forehead out of stupidity and sighed. "Are you there?"
   "Yeah, I'm just waiting for you to tell me."
   "I saw Jack tonight." She began to shake and the both of them were quiet. "Jodie took me to a movie premiere unaware he'd be there; I didn't talk to him though. We left as soon as we could."  
    Tony could tell by the tone in her voice that she was anxious and scared. He couldn't help but chuckle at her submissiveness.
   "Looks like all those spankings and that threesome worked then, didn't it?" He laughed softly and inhaled deeply trying not to get angry about his woman seeing another man.
  "What? I mean, I know the three-way was all planned out, but I don't understand?"
   "I wanted to show him in person that you were mine. And I wanted to show you as well. You're all mine."
    Mia knitted her brows and sat up trying to understand why he would say something that ridiculous.
   "I know we have this dominant and submissive type of relationship, Tony, but you don't own me, and we were never together when that happened. I can't be yours if you're seeing another woman."
   "Oh? You still don't trust me? That's a little hypocritical considering you ran into Jack."
   Mia swallowed hard at his response. She was angry, she was nervous, and she was upset.
  She stopped for a moment not wanting to start a fight. Their relationship was already a mess, and she was tired of stepping on eggshells.
   "Tony, I gotta go. I'm tired and I need to get up early. Call me before you go to bed or something."
    Mia hung up the phone after they said their goodbyes and began laughing hysterically. "Wow. Wow, wow, wow." She felt used by the both of them and knew now that it was all about competition.
    She turned out her light and stared up at the dark ceiling, tears streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't tell if she was hurt or if she was angry, whatever it was, she knew she pissed off Tony.

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