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"Has she always been like that?" Jack asked as he rubbed Mia's arm gently.
"Unfortunately," she sighed. "She's not a nice person."
Jack could tell there were somethings she wasn't comfortable enough saying still, but he wanted some sort of idea.
"Is she abusive?" His tone was soft and patient. He got his answer when she remained silent. "I'm assuming emotionally and verbally?"
"You could say that," she scoffed. She rolled over and looked at him, covering her naked body with the blankets. "That's why my sister doesn't let her watch the girls. They're a handful. Even then when we're all together, my mom seems to find some sort of way to be mean to them. And they're children. You can only imagine what she did to Gia and I."
Jack's heart broke. It made sense why she kept going back and forth between him and Tony even after what they did to her. Toxic love was all she knew.
"Well, it's up to you if you wanna try dinner again tomorrow," he whispered.

• • • • • • • • • •

Dinner was awkward. Everyone was quiet and they made Bianca, Mia, and Jack sit at different ends of the table.
"Dinner's good, Ma," Mia said breaking the silence. Everyone nodded and agreed. Her mother said nothing.
Jack looked at Mia from under his brows as he cut into a large tomato in his Caprese salad. He took a bite and chewed slowly, the flavors bouncing around on his tongue.
After dinner Mia and Jack helped Nonna Rosa and Gia clean up, Bianca cursing behind a closed door as she shouted at Francesco.
"What's she saying?" Jack asked Gia. Gia smirked and sighed.
"She's calling Mia a slut and you a pig." The two listened some more. "And now she's saying she prefers Tony."
Jack was taken back a bit, the words punching him in the gut. He looked over at Mia who was putting left overs in a container for her and Jack to take to the hotel.
"Would talking to your mother alone be a good idea?" Jack leaned against the counter and watched Gia smirk.
"You can try but she'll smile in your face and belittle you afterwards. Trust me. My husband doesn't come around for a reason."
The four listened to Bianca continue to scream then the door opened.
"Mia, you need to leave," her father sighed. Everyone saw Mia's heart break and she crumpled up a napkin as she threw it away.
"That's fine," she smiled. "It's not like I didn't waste my here money and time traveling her!" she shouted passive aggressively for her mom to her.
Bianca came storming out and everyone began to scream at each other, Nonna and Jack taking the girls upstairs.
"I fucking hate you!" Mia screamed throwing things at her own mother, her father trying to calm them both down.
Jack and Nonna heard glasses breaking and the screaming escalating. Jack sighed and went to get up until Nonna Rosa grabbed his arm.
"She may not like you, but we do," she whispered stroking his hand gently.
"Thank you," he whispered back.
He left the room, the comment warming his heart, giving him some hope as he made his way downstairs. He shook his keys as he made eye contact with Gia. She dragged Mia along and took her outside, Francesco sighing and helping Bianca calm down.
"Jesus fuck!" Mia cried out of frustration, Gia holding her sister as Jack started the car.
"You two be safe," Gia said softly to Jack when he took Mia from her. "We love you guys."
Jack couldn't help but smile to himself. Aside from Bianca, they loved him. The feeling wasn't just because they accepted him, it was because it was now an ego booster knowing Tony was no longer the favorite.

• • • • • • • • • •

Jack inhaled his cigarette as he watched the Laker's game on the tv, Mia poking at the left overs from dinner as she sat next to him. He peered over at her and sighed.
"I know it sucks, toots. But you have other people who love you." He stroked her leg and she took a bite of her food as she stared at the tv.
"Yeah, well it's different. It's my mom. Not just somebody. It's my fault and I'm sorry she spazzed out on you." She sighed and set the food on the side table.
"Yeah, but as her daughter, it's not your responsibility to make amends. That's her job. It's not your fault or Gia's."
He was right. She was self gaslighting. She laid her head back on the couch and stared up at the ceiling, the feeling of anxiety and abandonment taking over.
"You alright?", Jack asked softly. She looked at him and smiled softly with tears in her eyes. "Come here," he sighed.
She crawled into his lap and sniffled a little, Jack comforting the best he could. His heart broke for her.
"Listen. We'll try and have fun for the rest of the trip and when we get back to the states, we'll go shopping for the MTV awards like you wanted to. Okay?" He felt her nod and gave her ass a playful squeeze.

Foreign TouchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora