Chapter 8

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   "Were you with her?" Anjelica stared at Jack as he threw his keys on the counter, a cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth. "Jack. Were you with her?"
   "We aren't together anymore. It doesn't matter what I do." He threw his coat on the couch and grabbed a glass with ice.
   "I'm so sick of this. This is why I left you." She began to cry and grabbed her purse.
   "For Christ's sakes, get the fuck out then! I don't know what you want me to do! Anything I fucking do, you bitch about!"
Jack watched as Anjelica sobbed while walking out the front door, his eyes rolling in the back of his head when she slammed it shut.
"Fucking women," he groaned under his breath.

• • • • • • • • •

Jack laid on the couch as he flipped through channels half asleep, his cigarette ashes falling on his shirt. The doorbell rang and he let out an aggravated sigh.
"Now what?"
He opened the door expecting to see Anjelica standing there but was greeted by Mia instead.
   "Tony found out and I have nowhere to go." She pushed him aside and Jack was confused, trying to process everything.
  "Wait, hold on, hold on." He knitted his brows and closed the door. "He what?"
Jack wasn't expecting this, not tonight at least.
  "He came home acting like a psycho. I mean, this man was literally trying to find you. He even dumped out the trash bag to find the phone receipt. He obviously found it though, which led to me telling him about the letters." She flopped down on the couch and Jack sighed shoving his hands in his pockets.
  "Well, you can't stay here for long. Anjelica will probably come running back soon."
He stared at her from under his brows, the both of them quiet as mice for a few minutes. The tension was thick, and Jack left out a soft sigh.
"So, he was looking for me, huh?" He laughed through his nose and shook his head.
   "Glad you think this is funny." She laid her head on the back of the couch and stared at the ceiling. "It's just the same old bullshit. He breaks my heart, I come running to you, you break my heart and I go back to him. I don't know why I like either of you."
She was annoyed with herself.
    "Well in his defensive, you did this first." He looked at her as he walked to her. She knitted her brows and scoffed.
   "You harassed me at the farmer's market then broke into his house just to get your dick wet. Even if you didn't do that, the letters were still there." She moved away from him as he sat next to her. He shrugged.
   "I don't know what ya want me to do. Ya can't stay here." He took a puff of the half smoked cigarette and inhaled deeply. "And if you hate me as much as you say you do, why are you here?" He smirked and a puff of smoke came out of his nostrils.
  "I never said I hated you. I questioned why I liked you," she whispered softly as she stared into space. She looked at him. "Can I just stay here one night? That's it."
She watched as Jack sighed and raised his brows while rubbing a stain off his pants with his thumb.
   "Whatever," he shrugged and put out the cigarette. "I don't wanna hear it if Anjelica whoops your ass." He was clearly joking.
  "I'm sure she'll whoop yours before mine," she joked backed.
   "Yeah," he sighed as he raised his brows again. That was definitely true. "Do ya have clothes or do ya need some?"
   "I have everything in my car. I just need to grab some stuff. I'll be back."
She gave him a soft smile and got up to retrieve her things. He looked over his shoulder as she walked away.

• • • • • • • • •

   Mia finished her shower and got out, wiping the water off her eyes. She dried off, got dressed, and took her things to Jack. He was doing a load of her laundry and smiled as she walked towards him with only towel wrapped around her.
  "Thank you for letting me stay here. Even if it's only for tonight."
Jack gave her a soft smile as he got the washing machine going.
  "Don't mention it."
Jack closed the lid of the machine and stared at Mia, the two of them staring deep into each other's eyes. Her breath hitched as he stepped closer, his face inches from her's as he leaned in. He grabbed her chin and kissed her gently before pulling away. He felt bad for her. He didn't care what Anjelica said.
"Ya know what? You can stay here for as long as you need," he whispered softly pushing her hair behind her ear.
She was shocked.
  "Really?" She stared into his hazel eyes as he shook his head 'yes'.
She kissed him gently and put her hands of his waist as he continued to hold her face in his hands. Jack kissed her slow and passionately. His hands traveled to her shoulders and down to her chest as he unraveled her from the towel. His fingers brushed against her waist, slowly moving to her ass. He gave her a gentle squeeze and then picked her up, setting her on the drier.
Their kissing began to get more passionate as the two of them breathed heavily, Jack pulling himself out of his pants without breaking the kiss. She scooted closer and let out a soft moan as he stuffed her. Jack grunted as he pulled her close, her tight walls squeezing him.
"Jesus Christ," he groaned as he thrusted into her deeply and hard, Mia gripping onto him as she moaned louder and louder.
The two continued until Jack pulled out, breathing heavily. Mia stared at him and he shook his head as he pulled his pants back up.
   "Not here. Come with me."

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