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"Come on, Mia! It wasn't anything serious!" Jack shouted behind the locked door as she packed her things.
"Nothing is ever fucking serious to you!" she shouted back with tears streaming down her face.
She slammed her suit cases shut and began packing up her other things as Jack began trying to break in the room.
"Can you stop?" Mia cried out scared out of her mind.
"I just wanna fucking talk!" he shouted back shaking the door knob.
She quickly finished pack and opened the door to Jack staring at her.
"I'm leaving, do you understand?"
"But I don't want you to," he whispered. His heart was broken.
"Jack, I can't keep doing this. I'm gonna end up miscarrying if I continue to stay with you," she cried softly. She watched his jaw clench and his eyes fill with tears. "I love you but I can't be with you."
"I love you too," he whispered kissing her softly.
The kiss turned into a passionate one, Mia moaning softly into his mouth. He pulled away and sighed, wiping away his tears.
"I'm sorry," he whispered softly. "And that's not me trying to manipulate you into staying," he chuckled softly. She smiled and stroked his face with her thumb. "I'm an asshole. That's just who I am and I know it's a shitty excuse but I don't know how to fix it."
"Jack," she sighed. "You're not just an asshole. You can be a gentleman when you want to be. I just think you need to heal from whatever's making you act this way," she whispered trying to be sympathetic. "I just can't be with someone who's going to tear me down with them."
He nodded and smiled softly giving her another kiss.
"I understand. I don't want you blaming yourself either..."
"I won't," she smiled.
The two stared at each other for a few seconds and Jack let out a sigh as he grabbed her things, helping her to her car. She stared the engine and he slammed her trunk. He stood there for a moment trying to collect himself, Mia staring at him in the rear view mirror. Her heart broke for him but she couldn't continue living her life like this.
"Alright," he whispered leaning against her window. "I love you and I want you to know that, alright? Even if I was a jerk, there wasn't a moment where I hated you."
"Ditto. I love you," she whispered back.
"We'll discuss more baby stuff later on when you're settled and figure things out. Alright?" He smiled when she gave him a nod and a soft smile. "You be safe, okay?"
"I will..."
He leaned down and the two shared one final kiss before she pulled off, tears streaming down both their faces.

• • • • • • • • • •

Mia sat in her car for at least an hour before getting out. She inhaled deeply trying to calm down, wiping her tears as she approached the front door. She knocked on it and chewed on her lip as she stood there waiting. Her heart stopped when the door opened.
"Mia?" Tony looked at her confused. "What's wrong?" He didn't hesitate bringing her inside when he saw how distraught she was.
"I left Jack," she cried wiping her tears. He gave her a sympathetic look. "It was just constant fighting and I just can't do it anymore..."
"I'm sorry to hear that," he whispered. He knew exactly where this was gonna go.
"This sounds so shitty of me, but can I crash here until I get back on my feet?" She sighed softly wiping her tears.
"Mia I don't think you staying here would be such a good idea," he whispered trying not to upset her more.
"I have no where to go..." Tears began to fill her eyes again.
"Mia..." He couldn't. He felt bad for her and his heart broke seeing her like this but he didn't want involved with her issues.
"Tony, I'm pregnant," she blurted out hoping he'd get the hint. She watched his facial expression go from sympathetic to shocked.
"You're pregnant?" He knitted his brows and looked at her stomach that was barely noticeable then at her.

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