Joy and Jihyo nodded in acknowledgment and left the office, thanking Jennie as they departed.

After her conversation with the designers, Jennie immediately dove back into her work. This is how her days typically unfold—managing projects, coordinating with her team, and constantly visiting various sites for new designs and renovations.


At Rosé's Botique:-

Rosé arrived at her boutique, a small but charming shop. Settling into her chair, she enjoyed her breakfast while listening to some music. She then busied herself with arranging the new clothing range, adjusting the lighting, and ensuring the trial room was clean and presentable.

 She then busied herself with arranging the new clothing range, adjusting the lighting, and ensuring the trial room was clean and presentable

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By the afternoon, around 1 PM, while Rosé was assisting a customer, her phone rang. She answered, "Hello."

"Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm the receptionist from Seoul Primary School. Am I speaking with Park Rosé?" Rosé's heart skipped a beat. She excused herself from the customer and moved to her desk. "Yes, this is Park Rosé." The receptionist cleared her throat. "Ma'am, I called to inform you that Park Min-young isn't well. He fainted while playing and is having difficulty breathing. He's in the school's medical room. I think you should come and take him to the hospital." "I'll be there immediately," Rosé replied, her voice trembling. She ended the call, eyes wide with worry. She grabbed her bag, informed her customers that she had an emergency, and assured them the tailor would assist them in her absence. Rosé then rushed out, flagged a taxi, and instructed the driver to wait as she would need to take her son to the hospital.

Arriving at the school, Rosé sprinted to the medical room where she found Min-young lying on a bed, crying softly and struggling to breathe. Rosé's eyes filled with tears as she hurried to his side. "Min-young, baby, what happened?" she asked, her voice breaking. Min-young weakly hugged his mother, resting his head on her shoulder. "Eomma, I can't breathe," he whispered before fainting.

Rosé's heart shattered. She quickly carried her son out of the school and into the waiting taxi. "Sir, please take us to the hospital, quickly," she urged the driver, who sped towards Seoul Hospital.

They reached the hospital in ten minutes. Rosé rushed Min-young to the emergency ward, where a nurse immediately attended to him. The nurse placed Min-young on a bed, took out her pager, and urgently paged Dr. Lisa, pressing the emergency button.


At Seoul Hospital:-

Lisa arrived at the hospital and headed straight to the fourth floor, designated as the Kids Area. As a pediatrician, this was her domain.

Entering the room of one of her regular patients, she found Ji-hyun, a young girl recovering from two fractures sustained in an accident. Lisa stepped into room 414 with a warm smile. "Hello, Ji-hyun, how are you today?" Ji-hyun, ever the dramatic, looked at Lisa with mock seriousness. "As you can see, I'm fractured. I've been waiting for you for an hour. My dressing needs changing, and I want to sleep." Lisa chuckled, "You little chatterbox, how do you manage to talk so much while lying in a hospital bed?" "I'm physically weak, not virtually. Now, come on, do your work. Quickly," Ji-hyun replied, rolling her eyes playfully.

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