Klaus shrugged, "Figured you'd like to accompany me to get my family back, I could use the back up".

"You're Klaus Mikaelson, you don't need back up" Lily pointed out.

"Then maybe I just want company" Klaus retorted.

Lily let out a small chuckle, "Fine Klaus, let's go get your family back".


Damon entered the witches house where Stefan had hid Klaus's family, as soon as he entered the room, he immediately felt a unknown presence in the room, turning around, he came face to face with both Lily and Klaus.

"What took you so long?" Klaus asked, a taunting smirk on his face, "Hiding behind your witchy friends, and in squalor, no less", suddenly the flames on the candles around the trio went up higher, and Klaus fell to the floor, holding his head and screaming in pain.

"Klaus" a worried Lily said, taking a step towards Klaus.

"Insulting a bunch of dead witches? Not smart" Damon commented, "I made the exact same mistake first time I came in here".

"Well, you know, the funny thing about witches is that living or dead, they care about their own" Klaus said, fighting the pain, "A hundred dead witches have a thousand living descendants", Klaus screamed as the pain in his head got worse, Lily winced and looked away, she didn't know how to help Klaus but she also couldn't just stand there and look at him in pain, "And I have no problem killing every last one of them if I don't get my coffins back, as we speak, my hybrid friend is prepared to end the Bennett line", just as Klaus said that, the magic that was happening on him suddenly stopped.

"That's one way to get dead witches to listen to you" Lily commented.

Klaus took a threatening step towards Damon, who was annoyed at the witches for stopping their magic, "Now" Klaus said, turning forward, "Please, show me the coffins", and just like that both Klaus and Lily could see the three coffins present in the room, "Here we are" Klaus smiled seeing his family, but that smile immediately fell when he realised he was missing a coffin, he turned to Damon, anger evident on his face, "Where's the fourth?" he asked, but Damon stayed quiet, but a small smirk did form on his face, Klaus looked forward again, "Show me!" he yelled.

"Well, here's the thing, they can't" Damon informed, "It's not here".

"What the hell did you do this time, Damon?" Lily asked, getting frustrated with this whole civil war between Klaus and the Salvatores.

"Well, Bonnie gave me the heads up" Damon revealed, "I mean, I didn't have enough time to get all four, but I did have time to get one".

"I will tear you limb from limb" Klaus threatened, glaring at the oldest Salvatore, "And only then, when you're a writhing mass of blood and flesh will I rip your heart from your chest".

"Sorry" Damon said, "Same rules apply, leverage and all, I know you want your family back, but something tells me you want what's in that coffin a lot more".

As Damon walked away, a confused Lily looked at Klaus for answers, wondering who was in that coffin that made Klaus so desperate to get it back.


"You've got your family back finally" Tony, one of Klaus's hybrids said, wheeling in the last coffin, while Lily leaned against the door and observed Klaus, who seemed way to angry for someone who had gotten his brothers back, "You gonna open them?".

"Not quite yet" Klaus replied.

"And why's that?" a confused Lily asked.

"I still have some unfinished business to take care of" Klaus replied, walking out the room.

Lily followed after the original hybrid, "Let me guess, that unfinished business has to do with the missing coffin?" she asked, "Klaus, whose in that coffin? Your three brothers are here, so whose in that coffin that you're so desperate to get back?".

Klaus turned to Lily, however before he could reveal anything to her, both Lily and Klaus looked behind Lily when they heard Tony let out a yell, turning around the two werewolves saw Tony fall to the floor, dead, his heart in the hands of a certain noble Mikaelson.

"Elijah" Lily whispered, a small smile forming on her face seeing Elijah after so many days.

Elijah looked at Lily and a small smile formed on his face, but that smile fell when he looked at his very shocked brother, who was not expecting to see his brother anytime soon.

"So Niklaus, what did I miss?" Elijah asked.


Presenting 2x12 of Fire & Flame!

How was the chapter?

Thoughts on Lily helping Klaus negotiate with Stefan?

Thoughts on Klaus and Lily retrieving the Mikaelson's coffins?

Thoughts on Elijah returning?



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