Chapter 18- Truce?

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(Wifey being goofy--^)

(Important long ass note below!)

Chapter 18- Truce?

Alexander's POV

A weak groan escapes me when I opened eyes. Oh shit my head hurts. It's like it was hit by a sledgehammer or a wrecking ball. What the heck happened?

I sat up and notice I was on my underwear. I looked by the night table and notice two small pills of Advil along with a sweating glass of orange juice. Dazed, I reached over the pills and quickly devoured them before chugging down the orange juice. Once I was done, I placed the glass back on the night table and once again laid down the bed.

I stared at the ceiling and did my best to remembered what the fuck happened yesterday. Okay, all I remembered going to the diner with Katie and then going home after almost being harassed. Wait, I was almost raped on a bathroom! What the fuck was into me when that happened.

I was horny. Period.

Suddenly I heard the sound of a door opening and when I looked over, I notice George wearing a smile while carrying a tray of food.

"Oh you're awake! How are you feeling?" George places the tray aside and sits on the bed.

"Like my head was slammed against a wall and then slammed once again and again and again and agai-"

"Okay. I get the point." George chuckles and I sat up while leaning against the headboard.

"Hubby, what happened? Do you know what happened yesterday? I really don't remember what happened after Katie and I went back from the diner." I looked at George and he looked...nervous? Wait...did something bad happen? Like I got knocked out by some sort of chloroform and then kidnapped for ransom and then my family hired the CIA and the bad guys got way and then I'll be-Ugh. I need to stop over thinking things since it makes my head feel like hell just got loose.

Suddenly, I felt both of George's hands on my shoulders. I looked up and him only to notice him sigh.

"Wifey, you need to listen to me. Okay?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion before I nodded in reply. "You were drugged. By Vince."

"I was WHA-Ugh shit." I rubbed my forehead again. I really need to refrain from shouting. "Are you okay?" George asks worriedly and I just nodded silently.

"Tell me what happened." It came out more like a whisper. My head fucking hurts.

George takes a deep breath before he speaks again. "I called Katie last night. And she said you started to act weirdly after you had your iced tea. She even told me you almost got raped by someone, which I guess was one of Vince's accomplices. I don't know how Vince drugged you but all I know is that you barged into my office and you were horny. I tried talking to you but you were too high, so I took you home. I didn't know what to do since I never knew what the hell was wrong with you. Until.."

George suddenly trailed off and he groaned in frustration before running his hand through his hair. "Until what?"

"Until Vince called. I don't know how he got my number. All he said was that he got you drugged and he sent someone to rape you but it failed. He told me that all you were was horny and that all you needed was a good. Uhm.. fuck."

I felt my face heating up as I quickly did my best to remember if we ever had sex. I wiggled a bit but I felt no pain. Well, maybe it was the Advil but still....

"What's wrong?" George quickly asks when I suddenly gasped.


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