Chapter 1: Home alone

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Life is boring. I mean I like boring but ever since I turned 16 life is MEGA boring. Tolkien and Clyde never have time for me and I dont know how when all the time theyre spending is together. Jimmy is.... I dont even know. We hang out sometimes but hes more focused on comedy. Hes getting famous man. Kennys cool. Not. All he does and ramble about, weed, girls, tits, hoohas, and Butters. I dont know how he can act so straight but be so far from it. Thomas stopped talking to me... Hes so cool..... I mean if I could say "Ass fucker" to a homeless guy eating a possum id be sooooo happy. Maybe I used too much detergent.... But yea. Life sucks. School sucks, home sucks, everything sucks. I know! I need more red racer collectables! They make me feel sooooo happy!

"CRAIG!!!!!!" Oh my god.

"WHAT TRICIA" Silence.

"WHATTTTTTTTT" More silence.

I get out of my room and storm down the stairs into the living room right in my stupid fucking sisters face. "WHAT DO YOU WANT"

She slaps my face away and i flip her off. Bitch.

"So um look. Im going to a sleepover cause Karen forced me and blah blah blah" Huh shes talking to Karen now? Thats cool.

"You listening?"

"Uh huh"

Anyway what should I get this time? Red racer shirt? Red racer- No. Another NASA sweater! And space stickers! Those'll make me sooooo happy!

"OW FUCK" I wince.

Tricia just kicked me in my fucking shin!!

"I said youll have to watch the house for the weekend!! Cause mom and dad already left for the couples resort and ill be staying at Wendys the whole time!!!"

"I DONT CARE YOU KICKED ME AND IT HURTS- Wait... Ow. I get the entire house all to myself for a whole- ow. Weekend? Starting n- ow."

She rolls her eyes. Bitch. "Yes because you have no friends, no plans and your fucking emo."

Okay im not letting that one slide. That is so not cool.

I shake her. She slaps me. I push her. She falls. I win. She gets up. She spits at me. She kicks me in my balls. She wins.


"Bye bitch!"


I really hate her. So much. But at least I get the house to myself for 3 days! What should I do first?

6 hours later. 12pm.

Sitting on the couch in nothing but my underwear, my hat and my NASA shirt, while watching Red Racers special with Stripe while eating nothing but junk and the occasional carrot is the fucking bomb. 6 hours. Doing this. The fucking bomb. And no ones here to stop me! This is sooooo cool.


Fuck me. What the fuck was that? I put on my pants, cause no burglar wants to see some moody teen in dinosaur underwear. I put stripe in my pocket and pick up a metal spoon and a pot cover from the kitchen as protection and keep my "Idgaf" face on as I creep up the stairs.

"Whoevers up here better leave now or I swear to god Ill uh.... Use this giant very real machete here." No answer.

I get upstairs and check all the rooms. Nothing. I drop the spoon and the pot cover and take out my phone cause if theres a ghoast in my house im totally getting a picture before I bust out and stay the night at Tolkiens wether Clydes there or not. I walk into my room. Nothing. Just like the first time I looked. I turn on my light....

"Hey... The fuck is that under my covers?"

Pillows? Blankets? A person....? I slowly walk over and move the blanket a bit. Messy blonde hair. Burglar? Sleepy homeless guy? I move it some more. Antennas stick up. Cosplayer...? By this point im over it so I pull the covers off completely and the cosplayer jumps up and looks directly at me. Wide yellowish green eyes. Blue antennas. Semi- sharp teeth. Sharp nails. Greenish fingertips. Weird clothing. Greenish blue tail. Pale skin with a small hint of Blue. Either this guy takes cosplaying very seriously or....

Theres an alien in my f#king bed...

Theres an alien in my f#king bed...  ☆~CREEK~☆Where stories live. Discover now