Chapter 20

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It opens on Rosie's Emporium where Matilda accompanied Verosika is looking for the right dress for her date with Darien.

Matilda:Would Darien really like this?

She holds up a backless dress with an opening on the front that shows her inner side boob..

Verosika:He'll love it! It's classy and sexy which suits you

Rosie:That it does

Verosika:Thanks for this Rosie

Rosie:It's the least I could do for one of my best clients, not to mention a good friend of mine, Alistor, and his "family"

Matilda:I'll take the dress

Rosie:Excellent choice enjoy your date with Darien

Verosika:Oh she will

The two of them exit the Emporium.

Matilda:Now let's go meet Darien-


Matilda:Fuck everything

Verosika:Who's this beta male bitch?

Matilda:My ex-husband Jerold

Jerold's new form is shown as a Rat demon with overly buck rotting teeth.

Verosika:The guy who cheated on you?

Matilda:The same

Jerold:I'm here to tell you that I forgi-

Matilda:I'm not listening to any of your shit. You got what you had coming you lying, cheating bitch!

Jerold:Come on Matilda. It was a moment of weakness!

Verosika:You're so full of shit

Jerold:How about you fuck off y-

He cuts himself off as he gets mesmerized by her figure and assets. Verosika looks at him in disgust.

Verosika:I have a boyfriend asshole

She slaps him across the face hard enough to leave a glowing red handprint.

Verosika:Pathetic creep

Jerold:Fucking whore!

Matilda:Just leave Jerold

Jerold:Now you listen to me you-

Matilda cuts him off by kicking him in the balls.

Jerold:You psyco bitch! Shouldn't be suprised given you shot me and Martha

Matilda:I was a loving, faithful wife and yet you cheated on me with a cannibal hick. The only silver lining is that hillybilly home wrecker died twice

Jerold:What happened?!

Darien:I fed her to a horde of Cannibals armed with blessed weaponry

Jerold turned to see Darien behind him holding a large crate of ammo and is immediately terrified seeing that he stand around two feet taller than him.

Darien:A very fitting fate I must say

Matilda: *smug* Darien meet my ex husband Jerold, Jerold meet my boyfriend Darien

Jerold:Boyfriend?! Wait you're both dating him?!

Verosika:Along with eight other women seeing as he's the ideal man for anyone with half a brain

Darien:So you're the limp dick beta male bitch that cheated on Mara?!

Jerold:Now wa-

Darien:And the same limp dick beta male bitch that told Martha about her and put my family and friends in danger?!

The fallen prince Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz