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How long has it been, slowly getting up she winces, "your up thought you were dead sweetheart" "Jesus fucking hell!!" Quickly jumping off the bed in alarm she falls.  Knocking something over what exactly was it, she didn't know, but it must've gotten his attention. "Aw you broke my vase with my flower in it~ how clumsy could this little human girl be hmm~?" Snapping her face towards the beast or whatever it is she looked at the bandages and the wrapping on her torso.

"Woman dumbass I am a woman I'm not little!!!!" "So she has words.... interesting but you know what I will be doing this now damaged body you have~" "if you think about laying a single damn finger on me I swear-" "swearing isn't suitable for bitches like you because you don't have the upperhand here babe" is this motherfuck being serious right now. The Tall muscular figure leaps forward pushing the bed away with his tendrils. Towering over her body he grins at her scared expression sexual intentions just itching to take over no worse.

"Get. Your. Damn. Hands off now" she firmly ordered the beast above her shaking body. "oh I don't think I will be doing that darling~" offenderman purrs. She glares just itching to get away.

Logan's POV

"Babe I have a strong gut feeling that your lying..." "Ugh whatever yes I am lying...I..ran away from her and leaving the her with some strange creep." "You what..." "I was being a coward okay-" "you ran away from my child who's fully grown...and left her with a strange person, she could be dead damnit do you not realize!!" "Yes I do realize that I have messed up but I still can't stop thinking about the person who wore a fedora and a trenchcoat..okay it happened to fast".

Tyrese folds his arms with furrowed brows "messed up or not you shouldn't have left her in a situation like that now I have to go to the police and get them to start a case of a missing person" "and how would you know where the police station is here in Germany?, and I can say that I took her out here to have vacation.." "fuck the vacation she's highly important Logan!". The two start arguing with each other.

"Well what else do you fucking have in mind me having he thrown ass pampered and swaddled or on vacation!!" "Shut yo mouth honey okay she could be dead raped or worse beaten up somewhere and you have the decency to say all this stuff about the child?" "She's grown Tyrese and capable of handling herself if anythin-" Logan's face snaps to the left side in shock from the slap.

"Like I said Logan she could be in high danger for all we know you don't just run off in situations like that!!!, that's it when we have her found it will be the end of you and I and so help me if she's found dead...." "Or what damnit!!! Your a softie that loves to be the male mother of y/n not only that where else are we even going to start finding any fucking trace of her huh!!?!".

Tyrese glares daggers into Logan's eyes as if telling him to shut the fuck up or face the consequences. Because if the slap wasn't enough hell will surely break loose.

Y/n's POV

"I don't know you at all.. except for waking up in this hell you overgrown noodle" "babe your so spicy is that all you can say to me~?" She grits her teeth. Offenderman leans down close to her neck pressing himself on her bandaged body.

"Oh there's a shit ton of things that I really want to say but I can't since oh well since your being a total saggy boob dumb bitch" the beast towers over her again scowling in disgust. "I thought I said swearing isn't suitable for you" "nah not suitable my ass!!!" "Quit cussing darling it's not good for that cute mouth of yours..." "Kiss my fucking ass you are being completely lost in your own stupid damn twisted world of lust you leeching little weasel of a headless man who wears nothing but a thong in his pants".

Offenderman gets off her and folds his arms now frowning, "well damn first time I heard that one out of your mouth bitch, but tell me this..if I'm lost in my own world of lust then how come your still here on this very floor hmm?" He tilts his head.  Y/n flips him off, he scoffs at her reaction.  "I see..usually all the women in this world would always throw their whore bodies at me and I would always be the one satisfy them and kill them afterwards but it's a shame that you somehow get the nerve to say something like that to me" "well someone has to" he leans closer again. 

"What was that?" "None ya business saggy boob" "huh...me saggy??? But I'm all muscle and have a good perfect healthy body surely there's no sagginess in me darling now what shall i do to you now for opening that mouth" he hums.  She scoots away in alarm still glaring, "ah I see perhaps I can make you feel better soon now let's go deal with your issue shall we?" "Fuck you-" "you would definitely want to get fucked" "perverted noodle".

"Shorty.." "call me that again I double dog dare you" "okay shorty and what will you do?? Hmm?" "...." "That's a good girl...so sit down dog bitch"

your not getting out alive darling offenderman x readerWhere stories live. Discover now