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Dim light...muffled screams..

Skin tearing open by the beast..

The girl watches him tear open a random person fearing what will happen next if she were to run again.  But she still has to get out of here one way or another...a woman kept screaming pleading him to stop ripping her limbs off one at a time. 

He wipes his face off with her nasty crimson blood on him, gripping her skull offenderman rips it clean off.  Nails still sharp as they dig into the used to be living woman.  Chucking it across the room he turns his attention to the shaking virgin girl on his bed.  Using his tendrils to push her down he climbs on the bed sitting on top of her scared form. 

Grinning at her state he uses his blood stained hand having it wrapped around her neck.  Thinking of what to do with his chosen one.  She uses the advantage to kick him in the hardened part where the sun doesn't shine.  He yells in pain falling into his side.  "You are so done for..." Quickly ripping away from offenderman and rushing out of the room she runs through the halls. 

Sprinting into the living room of his mansion she spots an open window sucking through her teeth.  "Fuck this!!" She jumps out of the window whimpering in pain she looks down at her ankle seeing that she has somehow twisted it. 

Nope she's not staying another second, whipping her body around the girl begins to hop away on one good leg still wincing from the cuts.  How could she still move in her cut state she didn't know how, but she's not going to sit and wait until he comes back to do more torture amongst her yet again.  "Y/n!!!!!" His voice boomed ever so loudly, looking over her shoulder his face is starting to rip with those magneta colored eyes glowing through the darkness of the mansion. 

Please let there be a way out of here, hopping even faster she musters up a more quicker pace.  The metal gate is coming into view, placing her palms on the metal surface she gives it a slight push.  Only for it to only open ajar "you got to be kidding me grr I don't have time for this" "are you running?...you know I'll always find you!!!".

Pushing past the gate she tripped over her twisted ankle hissing in pain. Loud roaring echoed from the mansions door sending her insides shaking.  He's coming and she knows it, scrambling to her good foot the girl is hopping away into the dark pine trees again in hopes to at least escape his grasp.  "Hahaha run run little kitty I'll give you the count to three and when I stop counting your mine...!!" She goes faster now.  Still struggling to run.

Trees and ankle high grass and bushes whipped past. The further she goes the darker it gets with every passing second.  Even the pine leaves are covering the slightly darkened sky.  Has it only been a few minutes or a few hours she didn't know.  Nor did she want to stick around when he comes for her, the trees sway and groan with every breeze that passes.  Coming to a stop in the deepest part of the woods she collapsed on the dirt.

Heart beat rising ever so quickly from a far one of the pine trees are ripped clean out of the ground with that same bone chilling growl and loud shrieking roar.  Oh how much did she want to return home to her apartment so badly.  Hopping once again she yelps in a loud way as she fell through the rotten part of the ground.  Smacking into the now mushy part she lifts her hands she almost gags at the stench of decayed flesh.  There's something crawling amongst her twisted ankle.

Looking shakily towards the source her lungs burned for oxygen, screaming at the top of her lungs was maggots crawling on her skin.  What the hell did she even trip on wait could it be rotten corpse of one of his victims.  Or could it be a dead animal, it's so dark and disgusting to even breathe.  Ripping her self off the decayed body y/n gets a better look at it and sure enough it's a pile of rotten human remains.

'holy shit I'm gonna be next if I don't get out of here!' The air becomes still as a dead corpse.  What's lurking nearby she doesn't know, the hairs on her arms stand up with goosebumps poking upwards.  'shit this is bad right now' she thought to her herself.  Backing away from the human remains she  swipes at the maggots still crawling upwards just feeling those nasty flesh eating worms on her skin like that makes her skin crawl. 

your not getting out alive darling offenderman x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu