25: Cowboy like me

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Piper wasn't sure why 'oh' kept repeating in her mind. It was just a dream, just a memory.

"Did you see any shooting stars?" Camilla asked, not giving up even though Piper wasn't in a mood to talk, "What did you wish on them?"

"The meteor shower was over half an hour ago" Piper's tone wasn't cold exactly... but it wasn't warm either. 

"Oh, that sucks. I was hoping to catch them, I've never seen any in real life"

Camilla was patient, Piper had to give it to her. Piper was acting like a spoiled brat, throwing a tantrum because a guy she liked didn't want to come up to the roof for a romantic night. Surely, Jason couldn't be that thick, right? He had to know Piper liked him (Current Piper thought a big mental f-you to Hera for making her like Jason)

"How were they?" Camilla asked, apparently refusing to shut up and take a hint, "The shooting stars, I mean."

"They were beautiful, but..."

"You wanted the company more than the view" Camilla completed. Piper felt like the words had been ripped off her tongue. 


"Boys are dumb most of the time, or rather, I think Jason's intimidated by you"

"Why would he be intimidated by me?" Piper balked. 

"Because you're a good looking girl he feels is way out of his league"

"But I like him" (lie)

"Tell him that, I don't know why you're saying that to me" There was no other light than the moon and the stars. It turned Camilla's skin beautiful and shiny like she was made of precious metal or white marble— A Greek statue. Her eyes were full of stars in the night and she wasn't even looking at Piper, instead she stared at the open sky, like she was still searching for shooting stars.

"Camilla—" Piper said, but the other girl pointed to the sky and suddenly burst out grinning. 

"Did you see that?" Camilla scoffed in disbelief, "I think that was a shooting star!"

Piper shushed her for raising her voice, but followed her gaze and sure enough, two more followed. 

"Make a wish, McLean" Camilla leaned in. Her breath was warm against Piper's nose and her warm hazel eyes were beautiful in the moonlight. Her mischievous smile looked even better now that Piper was the only one to see it. One of her canines was slightly crooked and Piper wanted to run her tongue over it. 

Her lips looked a little chapped but soft nonetheless. Her dark hair was loose and Piper wondered how it didn't get knotted up. Everything about Camilla looked soft, and Piper wanted to just sink into her touch, just drown in her. 



"What did you wish for?" Piper said instead. That's what had happened that night, so that's what she said. She was basically repeating a memory. 

"I wished," Camilla grinned, "That you would dance with me"

 "With no music? At night? On a rooftop?" 

"You were gonna do with Jason anyway" Camilla shrugged, "He's an idiot, he doesn't know what he's missing out on. Dance with me"

"Dancing is a dangerous game, you know"

Oh, Piper thought, even before Camilla got to her feet, it's gonna be one of those things.

"Dance with me" Camilla repeated, "Piper, come on"

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