Obviously, Mina wouldn't call Erikson and Bailey is in school just like Henrik. So that cancels out them. "That leaves Emery and Harley, right?" Bonnie asks. She tries to swallow the sadness that threatens to take over her at the thought of being raised with family. She didn't have to be all alone in her fight.

Before Elyza could answer, the door came swinging open. "Two of our cousins are coming to help you."

"Emery and Harley?" Bonnie asked for confirmation.

Mina raised an eyebrow before looking over at Elyza. "Really? You couldn't let me tell her?"

The heretic shrugged and closed her books. "She asked. I answered."

Before Mina could further explain her disappointment, Elyza flashed out of the room. No doubt to spend the morning with her husband. Looking over at Bonnie, Mina sighed. "I didn't want to not tell you, Bonnie."

"Emery and Harley," Bonnie spoke again. While she knew Mina probably had her reasons, that didn't stop her from feeling betrayed. "Are they the cousins who are coming to help me?"

"Yes, but Bonnie—"

The younger Bennett stood, cutting off Mina's sentence. "I promised Klaus, I would meet him for brunch to discuss the changes in New Orleans. Text me when they're here."

"Good grief," Mina sighed, sitting down on Bonnie's bed.




Niklaus Mikaelson and Bonnie Bennett sat on the balcony, overlooking the beautiful flowers as they bloomed in their backyard. Bonnie flicked her wrist and the one of the trees that was starting to die rose, its leaves turning the brightest shade of green. The cool March weather made her shiver as she pulled her cardigan over her shoulders.        

She and Klaus had sat outside for what felt like centuries. In reality, it must've only been a couple of minutes. Finally, someone broke the silence.

"Sunflowers are so beautiful," Bonnie started, watching as a couple of them started to grow. She had the urge to speed up nature with her magic, but she didn't. She wanted it to take as long as it needed to grow. "And durable."

Klaus smiled. "I never realized you were infatuated with flowers."

"Fun fact?" Bonnie started. "I grew up wanting to be a florist. Just watching something go through adversity and coming out victorious was so... motivating for me."

"And now? What do you wish for your future now?"

Bonnie leaned back in her chair. "To be loved." Klaus sucked in a breath as he took in her answer. "Mina called in some of our family members to figure out what's wrong with me. Witches don't really like vampires so..."

"Of course," Klaus finished for her. "Marcel and I actually have to finish something of our today."

"Oh?" Bonnie asked.

"The werewolves are growing restless," He took a drastically long sip of his scotch. "With the new witch elder making promises of protection, a couple of wolves have decided to side with them."

"Wolves siding with witches?" Bonnie gasped. "This can't be a coincidence. Not after Mina's meeting with her mother."

"Do not fret," Klaus soothed. "Henrik and I have already decided to meet the new, all-promising elder. If there is anything requiring your help, I will be sure to call so you can assist. However, I have asked a favor of Kol and Elyza. One you might not be so happy with."

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