♡Chapter 9♡

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Are you and Jesse something? I don't know what to think. Are we? Are we not? I told Chase to ask Jesse, but now I'm scared Jesse thinks we are. Jesse is a really nice guy, don't get me wrong, but I like Chase more.
I see Chase walking up to Jesse. I see Jesse tense, preparing for another fight. I chuckle. Chase just sticks out his hand, to shake Jesse's. Jesse looks a bit surprised, but accepts the, what seems to be, apology.
Chase pulls him close and whispers something in his ear. I can't see what he says, but it seems to be... very... aggressive? Or maybe even threatening. Jesse's eyes widen, and he just nods and so does Chase. Oh lord, I hope it wasn't about that one stupid song. I should've never agreed to doing it.
"Come on girl let's go dance!" Jules screams, clearly wasted. At this point I'm surprised she hasn't blacked out yet. What did she have? Like 4 shots of tequila, 1 vodka shot and somewhere around 2 to 3 wines? I don't know, but what I do know is that I've had the same. Everything she ordered, she ordered twice, one for her, one for me.
She takes my hand and pulls me to the dancefloor, and starts dancing like crazy. I giggle a bit at her, and start dancing as well.
Swinging my hips around, and singing like crazy, I bump into someone with a full glass of beer. It falls all over me, and drenches me from head to toe. "Watch it you whore." The man snaps. I look up, and apologize frantically. "I am so, so, so sorry sir. I'll pay for a new one." "You better." He spits. I smell the alcohol and Mary j on him. I walk over to the bar, him following me. "One beer please." I say as I take out my card. The bartender hands me a beer and I immediately pay for it, so that the guy can't put anymore things onto the bill. "Here you go. And again I am so sorry." He grunts, and walks away.
I walk back to the dancefloor, and start swinging my hips again, just like nothing happend. When all of a sudden, I feel 2 strong hands gripping my waist and pulling me closer. "Having fun I see." Chase's voice sounds really close to my ear. I giggle. "Hmhm. And you? Havin' fun as welllll?" I say, struggling to talk. Damn you Jules. Why did you give me so much to drink. He pulls me even closer and lays his chin in the crook of my neck. "I am now." I giggle again. "Well, I could make you have even more fun." I say, teasingly grinding a bit against him. I hear him groaning. "Moana, please. Not here." I smile, even though he can't see it. "I don't see why not." I say as I grind even harder. "Fuck... Moana please."
I turn around, placing my hands on his chest. "Than where?" He lowers his face, and our lips are inches apart. I stare into his beautiful blue eyes. "My house." I pretend to think, even though I know damn well, we are going to have a sleep over with the whole team. We'll fuck it. I think. There also was the deal no drinking, and look at the state everybody's in. Might as well fuck all of it. "Hm... yeah, that's a good idea." I say wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing our lips closer together.
He smiles, and my heart melts. How could he ever be mean. He looks like an angel. All I want to do is ki- My thoughts are cut of, when his lips crash into mine. I passionately kiss him back, and time stands still. If I ever wondered how heaven feels, I know now. I slowly pull away and put my forehead against his. "Let's go then." He smiles, grabbing my hand and running off.
We bump into almost everybody on the way out, but I couldn't care any less. Once finally outside of the bar, he pulls me close and whispers in my ear: "Before we go to my house, I want to show you something." Still holding my hand, he starts running. I run along with him, and we get to a cliff. "Um Chase?" He turns around with sparkling eyes. He points to a steep pair of stairs. "I'll go first, so I can catch you." "Are you sure this is safeeee?" He smiles and nods. He goes first, and I go after.
I almost slip, but he catches me right on time. "Careful there, love." He says.
Finally at the bottom of the stairs, he takes my hand again, and says: "Okay love, close your eyes and open them when I say so." I nodd, and walk with him. "Okay, good. Now carefully sit down." He says, carefully giving me directions on what to do. I sit down, and he tells me to open my eyes. We're at the beach. But not just the beach. We are at a part of the beach, that is covered by the cliff, which keeps light out. He points to the horizon. "There, everyday the sun sets. It's beautiful, you should really  come with me once."  I lay my head on his chest. "I'd love to." I say, snuggling up to him. He puts an arm around my shoulder, and pulls me closer. "Do you see that star over there? The very bright one?" I ask. He just nodds. "That's the North Star. If you're lost, look at that star, and you'll find your way back." I can't see it, but I feel him smiling. "You see the pan over there?" He asks me. "That's the big bear." I listen to him, fascinated about the amount of knowledge he has. I slowly doze of with a smile on my face, still snuggled up against him.

I wake up, feeling hangover as fuck. "Mornin' love." I hear Chase say in a deep morning voice. "Mornin'." I say as I turn to face him. We're not at the beach anymore. We're in a bedroom, and I'm guessing his.
I look around a bit and see his dog. Shit. Daisy. "Darlin' as much as I'd love to say, I have to go." "What? Why?" He asks whining. "I have a dog as well, and she has been alone for the past, like I don't know, 10 hours, and I don't know if that's such a good idea." "Oh shit, nah I get it. Go." "What time is it?" I ask, putting on my sweater, I apparently had with me. "Hey! That's mine." I hear Chase calling out. "Oh shit sorry." "Nah, keep it. It suits you great." He says winking, and I feel my cheeks getting bright red. "Oh, by the way, it's 6am. No need to hurry." "Uh, I do need to hurry for my dog, stupid." He laughs. "I'll text you when I get home okay?" I say as I grab my keys and phone. "You better, or I'll come to your house." "I wouldn't mind that." I say winking.

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