♡Chapter 1♡

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"And then we kissed. And it was our happily ever after. The end." I scoff. Yeah right, because that's how life works. I roll my eyes and put the book away. It's one of my favorite ones, and I've read it a thousand times already, but I'm just not ready to let it go. And even after those thousands of times, I still cringe at the end.
I get up and turn off the lights. Tomorrow will be the first time I meet the lifeguards. I've seen them on TV of course, and there are some pretty hot ones there, but you never know how they look in real life. I turn and toss, but nothing helps with the nerves. What if I mess it all up? And maybe even kill somebody? They could get stuck in a rip current, and I wouldn't be able to help, because well I'm not a lifeguard. Fortunately the jetski is on the water in case anything goed wrong.
I look at the alarm clock on my nightstand. 1 am. I should've been asleep a long time ago. Now I have to drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning, otherwise I won't be able to stay awake. I adjust myself to laying on my back, and stare up to the ceiling. I sighed. I should've taken my sleeping medication. Now I just lay there. Awake and ovethinking. It sucks. I turn to lay on my side. "Daisy." I whisper. My dog lifts her head up from the ground. I tap on the bedspace there is left. She stands up, walks towards me and jumps on the bed. Right onto my stomach. "Ow Daisy!" I whisper yell at her. She looks at me with the most innocent eyes, as if she's trying to say: I'm sorry... I try to frown at her and be mad, but I just can't. She's too adorable for that.
I pet her on the head. She isn't an official service dog, but she is for me. She helps me with my anxiety and panick attacks. I used to have them daily, but when I turned 18 my parents and friends put the birthday money together to buy me Daisy. I then still lived in England, now I live in Australia 10 minutes away from Bondi. I love it there. The vibe, the waves and of course, my best friend (but still number 2 underneath my dog in the list), Hoppo. He is like a third dad for me. Because my dads are gay, he's the third.
When I was little I got bullied with the fact that I had 2 dads. At first it was just like: 'Haha she has 2 dads, that's so wierd!' Unfortunately it became much worse. They began saying: 'I would kill myself if I had 2 dads.' and 'Ew don't come near her, she might carry the gay disease with her.' The last one they kept repeating because of one person. Chase Hardaker. I still hate him for that. Because of him I had no friends at school. Only outside of school, and those were all so nice to me. We were all outcasts. I had 2 dads, Tabitha was missing a hand, Toby was missing an eye, Bella had pigment spots and so on. Out of the whole friendgroup with 16 people, Tabitha was my best friend. Even though she lost her hand in a traumatic accident, she still joked about it. I asked her why, and she simply told me: 'It's my way of dealing with my trauma.' Those words will forever be imprinted in my head. Wise words. Wise girl. She was a straight A student, and the sweetest girl ever. I remember seeing her for the first time in third grade when she moved from Nigeria. Her English was terible, and still we instantly clicked. Fortunately she picked up the English language very fast, so in no time we had full conversations about everything.
I turn again, forgetting Daisy was laying next to me. She jumps up and jumps of the bed. Maybe that was for the best. Then we both would have our personal space. And with that thought I doze off.

~next morning~

"You lazy rat, get up. Get up , get up, get up, get up, get up." Nick Sturniolo's voice sounds from my phone, my alarm is going off. Then the song 'Miss me' comes on, and while sitting up I start dancing a bit. Even though Nick's voice so early in the morning always scares the shit out of me, it's still an amazing way to wake up.
I get dressed by putting on my bikini and over it a wetsuit, so if I slam against the rocks, my body might be able to handle it a bit better than without. I look outside, and I almost jump up in excitement when I see that the wind is blowing hard. And hard wind means big waves, and big waves means a hella good time to go out surfing.
I look at the time. It's 09.30 am, time to make breakfast and eat it on the way there.
I'm supposed to be there at quarter to, and it starts at 10 o'clock. So I have 5 minutes to make breakfast and then I have to leave. "Sounds like a plan." I say to myself while I walk to my kitchen.
"Daisy, go on. Go outside to do what you have to do. I'm so sorry tomorrow I'll wake up earlier to go with you for a long walk." I say to her while petting her. I take a banana and start eating it.
When I finished eating it, I call Daisy back inside and give her a kiss on her head. "Bye Daisy. I will be back soon okay?" I give her another kiss and leave.
On the way there is nothing unusual. But when I get to the beach, a very big group of people is gathered around something or somebody. From the angle where I'm standing at, I can't see. So I decide to walk towards it.
I push my way through the crowd, accidentally bumping into a lifeguard. "Oh my God, I am so sorry." I say spinning around, and checking if they're okay. There's a girl from about the same age. "Hi." She says. "You must be Moana." I nodd. "We first have to finish a little problem here, and we will be right with you. Hoppo is already in the tower." "What happend?" I ask curiously. She shakes her head. "Some people got into a big fight, so there was forming a big crowd around them. However I do not know why they're still here." I laugh and shake my head. "Maybe they're hoping for another fight to happen." "I bet they are." She says smiling.
While walking to the tower I look around me. My predictions were correct. The waves were great for surfing. I walk upstairs and see Hoppo sitting at the table looking through the binoculars. I sneak up behind him. "What! Are you doing?" He screames and drops the binoculars, while I'm on the ground laughing so hard I can't breath. "Why do you do this very time?" "Every time?" I scoff. "I visit maybe once every one or two months." "But still. Everytime you visit." I give him a quick nodd. "Yup, and your reaction never gets old." Hoppo sighs as he picks up the binoculars again. "So." I say. "Is there a specific schedule?" Hoppo nodds. "Between 10am and 3pm we close the beach, so we can enjoy instead of having to leave all the time." I nodd, that's a smart decision. "It's now 09.58am." I say hinting at the fact that I really want to start. Hoppo puts the binoculars down and looks at me. "Well let's close the beach then shall we?"

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