☆♡Chapter 4♡☆

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How could I be so stupid? I literally dropped the cover. For fucks sake, I really can't do this. And this lesson is still something like 4 hours, plus the whole ass week. I have to be so, so far away from her. Mentally and physically. Otherwise I will embarrass myself. "Oi Chase, you good mate?" I hear Hoppo shouting at me. I nod. "Yeah I'm fine, thanks."
When the lesson is finally finished I walk over to Jesse. He nudges me in my stomach. "I saw you and Moana being all touchy touch. Is there something I need to know about, or is she mine." "No there's nothing between us. For all I care you fuck her every night." Jesse raises his eyebrows. "Mind if I ask her out on a date?" I grab him by the arm and pull him with me to the back of the tower where nobody sees us. I grab him by the collar and push him up against the wall. "You don't lay a finger on her. Do. You. Understand. Me?" Jesse swallows thickly and gets out a quick "Hmhm." "Good." I put him back down and walk away as if nothing ever happend. "Geez dude, I was just kidding." Jesse pants as he catches up with me. I keep looking straight ahead, because I can't stand his face at the moment. "Well, I was not." "You really like her don't you?" I stop walking and look him in the eyes. "Maybe I do maybe I don't, to be honest with you, I don't even know myself what I think of her. So yeah maybe I do like her. But that doesn't matter. She hates me. End. Of. Story." "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Jesse exclaims as he leans against the tower. "How come?" "Didn't you see the way she stares at your abs? Or how careful she was with cleaning your face? Or how flustered she was when you picked her up by the waist?" "First of all, she didn't stare at my abs." I say as I pull up my shirt and show the bruises. "Same counts for the face." I show him what's underneath the bandage, and he pulls a painful face. "And lastly, she was just shocked." Jesse rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say mate. But I would talk to her if I were you." He walks towards Jules and Moana. I can feel the anger building up again. What's wrong with me? Why do I care so much?
I see Jesse talking to Moana. He's telling her something funny. She's giggling. She looks so cute. "Are you aight mate?" Maxi asks. I scream. "What the fuck? Are you a wizard or what?" "Why?" "You literally appeared out of thin air." I say moving my hands up and own, to show him where he wasn't standing 2 seconds ago, but now he is. "You know this is gonna be a shocking thing for you to hear but... I can walk." I gasp dramatically before rolling my eyes. "You know what I was thinking?" Maxi resumes. Still observing what Jesse and Moana are doing, I shake my head no. "We should do a karaoke night tonight!" I raise my eyebrows. That wasnt such a bad idea. We could get wasted and confess my feelings, and when she laughs or something, I can blame it on the alcohol the next day. "But without alcohol of course." And there goes my perfect plan. "We're fun enough without right?" "I hope so." I say laughing.
We walk up to the others. "Maxi here has a great idea for tonight, don't you Maxi?" Maxi blushes a bit. "Well not great but it's fun." "Now you've got to tell us." Moana says nudging him. How I wish I was him. "What do you guys think about an alcohol free karaoke night, tonight?" I see everybody looking at eachother and slowly starting to nod. "We lifeguards already have eachothers number, but we haven't got yours." I say, trying to be smooth. I see her blush. "W-well, yeah. Uhm I'll put my number in your phone." Jackpot! "Yeah sure." I answer as cool as possible.
She walks towards me and gives me her number. "I'll make the gc." I say to the others. They agree. "Let's open back up the beach, shall we?" Harrison says, pointing at the people who are waiting impatiently for the beach to open up again. "Let's do it." Jethro answers.
Today I'm a waterlifeguard. A.k.a one of the lifeguards that gets into the water. While looking around, I spot Moana. She's on the water surfing like a natural. All I actually want to do is watch her doing all these, what seem impossible, tricks. But my attention gets pulled to my right side where I hear someone screaming for help. I look to my right and see a girl from about 18 or 19 stuck in a rip. I take my board, and rush to her. These few seconds it takes me to get to her are fatal. I peddle and peddle, but the sea current is really against me today. When I arrive at the spot where I've seen her last, she isn't there. No please, God no. I frantically look around. No sign of the girl.

♡Moana's pov♡
As im catching the best wave I've ever had, I see Chase running to the water. That can't be good. I get back to shore, and see where he's headed. The person he tries to save is drowning and only has a couple of seconds left. I throw my board ont he shore and sprint to one of their spare ones. I yank it out of the stand, take it and run to the water. Even though I'm not an official lifeguard, I know how to rescue people. I look to my right and see that Chase has arrived. I sigh. That was a close call.
All of a sudden he looks around, and he looks very panicked. Oh no. He hasn't got the girl. I also start to look around. But it looked like she has vanished. All of a sudden I see something in the water. Without thinking twice I jump in.

☆Chase's pov☆
I look around. There's Moana. She's also looking for the girl. All of a sudden she dives into the dangerous current. "No!" I peddle as hard as I can towards her. Moana has vanished. Together with the mystery girl.
I'm frozen in place. The only thing I can do is sit, stare and cry. I lost 2 girls at once. I hear something behind me. A splash. Someone panting. And someone calling my name. "Chase, get her on the board, I'll signal the rest that she's unresponsive." I look behind me. There's Moana. With the girl. Is there something that girl can't do? Because I don't think so.
I take the girl on my board, while Moana swims to her board. "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Yeah, although I swallowed lots of water, so I'm gonna stay in the tower for a little while after we brought her back." She says as she nods towards the girl. I nod and peddle as hard as I can to shore. I look to my left, and see Moana signing that she's unresponsive.
When we're on the shore other lifeguards take over, while I take care of Moana. "Wait." She says. "Were you crying?" I shake my head. "Over you? Never. I was just mad at myself because I thought that you both died. But you didn't, so forget it." I turn around, but turn back when I hear her snickering. "What's so funny?" "The fact that you're trying so hard to deny it." "What, you want me to lie?" "You already are." I give her a hard slap on the shoulder. "Stop it." She keeps giggling, but I don't have the time to handle with that. I am needed at the resuscitation of the girl.

Just Like In The Book // Bondi Beach Chase Hardaker FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon