☆Chapter 2☆

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"Chase? There's a fight on the beach. North Bondi, just in front of the parking lot." "Yeah, on it mate." As I start the buggy I look to the place they said it would be. It is just a blur. I can't see anything, but a big crowd of people forming. So I just speed up there with the buggy, ready to jump in.
When I arrive at the scene, 2 men are beating each other up really badly. This is one of the worst and best fights I've ever seen. Best because their techniques are great, but worst because the damage is incredible. And not in a good way. One man with lime green shorts, and the other with a black shirt, shorts, a black hat and something that once probably were sunglasses. That's a bit of an interesting outfit for going to the beach. The man in lime green shorts had a (most definitely broken and) bleeding nose, while the man in all black had a split open lip and a black eye. I only have 2 seconds to prevent this from getting worse, so I jump in between and grab both wrists of the man in all black, while Maxi, who arrived 1 second after me, grabbed the ones of the man in the lime green shorts.
"Can somebody please tell me what happend here?" I ask looking around hoping for an answer. The man in all black seems to think it's a good idea to try and escape. I grab him even tighter. A young boy, that is probably something like 6 years old, walks towards me and tugs my sleeve. "Excuse me. That's my brother." He points at the guy in lime green shorts. "That's your brother, buddy?" I ask him, while handing the guy to the police. The little boy points at him while saying: "He tried to grab me and take me away, so my brother punched him." I raise my eyebrows. "He tried to grab you? Where?" I ask, secretly hoping he isn't going to say what I fear he might say. The little boy looks at me confused while pointing at the beach. "No bud. Where did he grab you? What body part?" The boy pulls up his sleeve where a big bruise is forming. "Did the man so that to you?" I ask really hoping that he didn't but also that he did, so I wouldn't have to inform child services about it. He nods. "Yes. He said that my mom asked him to come and pick me up." "Did you go with him?" I asked concerned. The one thing you need to avoid if your kid trusts strangers too quick, are busy beaches with thousands of people at once, like Bondi. He shakes his head. "Nope. I don't have a mom." "Oh, I'm sorry." I quickly say. He smiles and says: "It's okay. At least you don't make fun of me like those stupid kids at school." Almost immediately he gasps. "What's wrong?" I ask concerned. "I called them the 's' word." "But they make fun of you, so you can call them the 's' word." He looks up at me and smiles. "Okay, I will."
This kid is crazy. In a good way though. I look at his brother who's calmly explaining what happend to the cops. Also a very smart guy, especially compared to the guy all in black, who's screaming and yelling to the cops, who try their best to stay calm. He's crazy. Not in a good way. "What's your name buddy?" "Maxi." I chuckle. "Hey Maxwell!" Maxi (my best friend who's also a lifeguard here) looks up. "Yeah?" "Come here!" He makes his way through the crowd and gives me a confused look. "What?" "Hey, buddy. Tell him you name." "Maxi." He says chuckling. The older Maxi gasps dramatically. "No way! That's my name as well!" "Then why did he call you Maxwell?" "That's my last name." Oh Trent. The best liar in the universe. Just lied straight to this little boys face. Well not entirely, but a huge part. His last name is Maxwell, but his name is Trent. All though everybody is so used to their code names here that sometimes even out of work we call each other that. But little Maxi doesn't have to know that. "Chase?" I turn around. "Yeah, what's up, Jesse?" "We have to close the beach." "Why?" I remember that there was something very exiting today. What is it? "You're so fucking stupid. The surfing class, remember?" Oh yeah. Now I remember. "Oh, yeah right. So now we just send all these people home?" I say, while preparing for the worst with all of these people, who probably don't want to go home. Jesse nods. "Yes. And this was on the news, so if they don't leave, the police will handle them." "Great." Oh this is gonna be dramatic.
"Dear everyone." I say through the megaphone. "As you all know, or you didn't but then you will know now, the beach is now closed until 3pm. We're sorry but this will be the whole week. We thank you for your understanding, and we hope to see you after 3pm again." Apparently nobody watches the news because everybody starts screaming. "We're sorry for the inconvenience, but in between 10am and 3pm we've got lessons for your safety. If you don't obey the rules we will have you arrested, and there is a chance you are never allowed onto Bondi Beach again. Have a wonderful afternoon, and hopefully see you soon." I turn off the megaphone and giggle. That rhymes. "What are you laughing at Chase?" "It rhymes." I tell Jesse. He looks at me and starts laughing. "You're a very nice guy but you can be so weird." "I know." "Lets go, the class is about to start." He says while climbing into the buggy. "Do you know who gives the lesson?" I ask him curiously. "I don't know her name but she's cute as fuck." "Sorry man. It seems like she's mine." Jesse rolls his eyes. "Because you can pull every chick." "Watch me." "Wanna bet?" Jesse? He, the nice guy, asks me to play with a girls her feelings? Never. "Dude. If she's cute im not gonna play with her feelings, are you crazy?" "Touchè man." I watch him grin. "What?" "Its just that I know her name, and I think you know her personally." "I do?" "Yeah." "What's her name?" "Moana Hemsworth." "What?" I ask in disbelief. No it can't be. I moved to Australia so that I wouldn't have to live with her close by. Sure I could've moved to the USA, but I thought that she would go there. Now she's here? Ugh, I would rather kill myself. "You okay mate?" "Yeah, nah I'm fine." "Ready o smash some waves?" I just nod. More than that I can't do right now. Must have something to do with the shock. "Are you sure that's her name?" "No. I mean I've read about all her achievements so I guessed it would be her." "Dude, you scared the living shit out of me." "Why?" "Well... I may or may not hate her." In the corner of my eye I see Jesse rolling his eyes. "Dude, you've gotta stop hating everyone." "I don't hate everyone." "Oh I'm sorry. 90% of the fucking word population." I roll my eyes. I don't hate everybody. But Moana... She was something different.
We arrive at the tower and I mentally prepare myself. I don't remember Moana as a cute or pretty girl. But Jesse doesn't fall in love easy, which is hard when you work on a beach where you 24/7 see girls in tiny bikinis. As were walking up the stairs I hear a familiar laugh. Moana. I walk inside and see her standing next to Hoppo, and in front of everybody else. "I'm so sorry we're late." Jesse apologises. "Don't worry about it. To be honest with you I was kinda relived when I saw that there were only 5 people." "Oh, I hope we're not a burden to you then." I say sarcastically. I see her fake smiling. "Of course not. Come and join in."
We sit down and I take a closer look at Moana. Jesse was right. She is really cute. But she still has that annoying laugh and sarcasm. "So, yeah. My name is Moana, and I'm 20 years old. I come here pretty often-" I stop her mid sentence. "Here as in Bondi?" She looks at me with the most beautiful [your colour] eyes. But that romantic thought is wiped away when I hear her speak again. "Nah dude. Antarctica. What do you think?" I hear Harrison and Jules snickering. "Well I've never seen you before." "When at least 4.000 people come to a beach a day, mostly you don't recognize them. Anyway as I was saying..." And she goes on with her explanation. I'm not really paying attention to what she says. She looks so beautiful, and not at all like the girl I remember. Maybe she was cute as fuck.

Just Like In The Book // Bondi Beach Chase Hardaker Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें