☆Chapter 8☆

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I arrive at the karaoke bar, and look around to see if any of the people I would go here with are here already. Ah yes there's Hoppo. I walk towards him. "Hey Hoppo." "Chase!" Jesse storms in. I turn around, and the fist of Jesse meets the left side of my jaw. As I'm still falling to the ground, Jesse jumps on top of me and starts punching me, over my entire body. I can't help it, the tears slip down my cheeks. It hurts so bad. Make it stop. Help me.
"What the fuck is going on here?! "  Hoppo shouts as he pushes Jesse off of me. "He!" Jesse shouts, with a terible voice crack, while pointing at me. "He is nothing but nasty bastard to Moana, and I'm done with that shit!" "A nasty bastard?! Ask her if I was mean to her today, and she'll say no!" I yelled back. Jesse, still breathing heavy from the attack, keeps pointing at me. "You made her cry so hard, even Jules needed some time to calm her down!" I stand up, eyes widening. "W-what?" "Don't try to act so innocent. We all know that you hate Moana, and try your very best to make here miserable. But today you went way too far!" The door opens and there she stands, in the most beautiful dress, that hugs her figure tightly, which makes her look so beautiful. Next to her is Jules. "Oh my God, Chase are you alright? " Moana asks, running up to me. Jesse grabs her wrist and pulls her back. "Don't. He doesn't deserve it." She looks at Jesse, almost hurt. Then something flicks inside her. I see all the sympathy disappear from her eyes. She straightens her posture and looks at me. "Well, he did deserve a punch, but you didn't have to take it this far, Jesse." Jesse says nothing, and just looks at the ground. "Who's ready to party?!" Maxi yells as he storms in. We all look at him. "Not a good timing?" I just shake my head.
"Right." Jules says while looking around. "I could use a drink. Who's with me?" Everybody yells in excitement.
During the night there's a lot of chatting and laughing. Every now and then, I quickly glance at Moana, trying to figure out if she was mad at me. Not once I could read the emotion towards me. Jules tells her something funny, and she bursts out laughing throwing her head back. She was so pretty. Next to me Jesse stands up. "Well my friends, the time has come." He says in a wierd brittish accent. "It's my time, to shine." I laugh and wish him good luck.
He walks towards Moana and holds out his hand for her to grab onto, while standing up. He leads her to the microphones.
[I suggest really putting the song 'Until I found you' by Stephen Sanchez and Em Beihold, it really sets the vibe] (I suggest reading slowly and start reading when he starts singing)
Jesse starts singing, while Moana elegantly dances a bit. He doesn't even look at the text. He just drowns into her eyes, and she into his. It makes me feel somewhat jealous, but then I think about what I did to her. I don't deserve her nor do I deserve anything, she deserves him and so much more. I can see in his eyes that he loves her, and I won't take that away from him, ever. I might be mean, and a nasty bastard, but I'm not that bad. They sound so heavenly together, and theres no way in hell I'm taking that away, I think while just staring at the two people.
[Let the music play until Em starts singing, and then read on]
My gaze automatically lands on her when she opens her mouth and starts singing in an angelic voice. Oh, how I wish I could just swap places with Jesse. I start humming along. Without noticing, tears form in my eyes, and drop onto my cheeks, down to my jaw and onto my blouse.
"Are you alright, mate?" Hoppo asks concerned. I wipe my tears away, and make up some lame excuse. "Yeah, sorry. I used to sing this song with my ex girlfriend. Brings back some not so great memories." Hoppo lays a hand on my shoulder and so does Maxi. "I get it. It's hard. I say, talk to Jules. She's pretty and smart and funny." I chuckle. Oh, if only they knew. If only they knew that I just wanted to be with Moana. I don't want anybody else. It's either her, or dying alone.
I look at Jules who's playing cards with some other people. Maxi was right, but she wasn't Moana. I sigh. "I think imma head outside for a bit." I tell them, when I stand up. "Oh, come on mate." Harrison whines. I shake my head, and so does Hoppo, while putting a hand on Harrisons shoulder. I walk towards the door, and throw a quick glance over my shoulder. Moana and I make eye contact. 'Where are you going?' she mouths to me. I point to the door. 'Just outside for a bit.' I mouth back. She looks at me with a confused look, but doesn’t have the time to mouth something back, she has to sing again. I push open the door, and walk outside. Unfortunately even outside I can hear them singing. It's a bit more quiet, but it still sucks to hear the woman that I love, singing with my best mate. They finish the song beautifuly, and I look through the window, which I immediately regret. It's not terible, they aren't kissing, but they look at eachother in awe.
I smile sadly, and start walking home. There's no point in me staying. "Hey wait up!" Moana shouts as she runs towards me. I stop, and turn around. "Where are you going?" "Home." "Why?" "Because..." I can't say it, I don't dare to. She looks at me curiously. "It's just because I... I feel like I'm not needed in there to have fun." She looks at me and tilts her head. "Why not?" I try to smile, but it probably looks even more unnatural than Kim Kardashian's ass. "Everybody is always mad at me, and I never do things the correct way." "So?" She says shrugging. "You think everybody liked me? I can name at least one person who didn't." She says winking. I chuckle. "Come on. We're going back. And you're gonna have some fun. I don't care with who, but you are." She grabs my arm, and takes me back. Before we enter, I stop. "I have to ask you something." "Hm?" "Are you and Jesse something?" She thinks for a bit before she answers. Her mouth opens and closes, without making any sound. "I don't think so..." "Think?" "I really don't know. Ask Jesse." She says laughing, as she pulls me back, into the bar.

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