♡Chapter 3♡

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As im introducing myself, 2 guys walk into the tower. One I've seen before here on Bondi. I think his name was Jesse? But the other one I don't recognize. When suddenly I do. Chase Hardaker. No fucking way. I hoped I moved away from him. Well apparently not. "I hope we're not a burden to you." He says in a tone I don't like. I fake smile at him, in such a way he sees that it's fake. "Of course not. Come and join in." I'm already done with this.
When I finish introducing myself I ask: "Any questions?" I look around to see that Chase raises his hand. Nope not today bitch. "No? Okay great. Let's head towards the water where I'll be giving an explanation." As we're about to stand all up, Chase starts to speak. "Do you still have 2 dads?" I turn towards him, and look him dead in the eyes. "Yeah, got a problem with that?" I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Hoppo shaking his head no. "Well yes, actually I do." I give him a dangerous smile. "Tell me. Straight to my face." "You are carrying the gay virus. So don't touch any of us or else..." I keep smiling at him. I take a step forward and touch him on the shoulder. "There. Now you hate yourself as much as I hate you." With those words I turn around and walk towards the others who've ben waiting for Hoppo, Chase and I to come as well. "Good job." Jules says as we walk together towards one of the buggies. I giggle. I really like that girl.
We all arrive at the water, and we take the sub/surfing boards they use to rescue people. "All right." I say as everybody, including me, gets in the water. "So, we're gonna start with the way to the patient." "Yeah, of course you dipshit." Chase says. I look at him. Geez this this guy pisses me off. "You can leave if you want to. Because I can tell you, that I actually don't want you here. So leave or shut the fuck up." As Chase stands up to leave, Hoppo grabs him by the shoulders and plops him down on the board. "Nobody is leaving, allright?" "Yes sir." Harrison and Maxi answer as a joke, but Hoppo seems like he's not in the mood for jokes anymore. "Please, proceed." He tells me with a slight smile. "So, as I was saying, now when you go over a wave, how do you do that?" Jules exitedly puts up her hand. "Yeah?" "We sit on our knees and lean a bit to the front so we don't fall off." "Correct. Well, with these waves it guaranteed that you fall of." "Bullshit." Chase mumbles. Breath in, breath out, you can do this. Chase is just an entitled brat. "So, instead of leaning to the front, you scootch too the front a bit and lay down. Your left, or right cheek is on the board. Remember never your chin. If you do, you will break your jaw. Then you fold your hands together under the board, and don't let go. Never let go. There's only one exception. If you're about to slam hard against the rocks, you stand on your board, detach from it, and dive off into the opposite direction." I look around me. Did I explain it well enough? "Do you understand it or..?" "I do." Jules says with a smile. I know I said Tabitha was my best friend or Hoppo, but Jules was rising on the list every second. Then everybody says that they do exept Chase. "Chase, do you get what I mean?" "Yeah." "All right. Good luck then. You're all lifeguards, but still. Be carefull and if you doubt something or forget, don't do random shit, that's not gonna help you. Let the jetski get you or ask me." And off everybody goes. Exept for Hoppo. "Good job kid." He says while hugging me. Then Hoppo joins the rest, while I walk back to shore.
A couple minutes later, I see someone in the corner of my eye walking towards me. I look up, and it's Chase. With his face covered in blood! I run up towards him. "My God, what did you do?" He shrugs. "Come with me." I say, walking towards the buggy with band aids. "No. I don't need your help." He murmers. "You definitely do." I say as I pull him with me. As I start cleaning him up, I'm wondering what happend. So I ask. "What happend?" He shrugs again. I slam the little towel I was working with down. "You know what? I'm doen with you. You don't want to tell me, don't. But then I can't help you." He sighs. I shake my head and walk away. "Wait! I slammed my left side onto the board, as I my whole body." He says pointing at the bruises on his six pack. I need to stay focused. No staring. "And I can't put on bandages myself. Can you help?" "Look, this information is all I needed." I say as I pick up the towel again, and resume. I start at his six pack. It's a bit bruised, but no ribs whatsoever are broken. Then I move up to his chin, where there is a small cut. I clean it and put a tiny bandage over it, so less salt water comes in. From there I go to his face. When I get to a nasty looking wound on his eyebrow, he flinches. "I'm sorry." I whisper. I put, very carefully, a bandage on it and move on to his forehead. Now I'm not small, but I can't reach his forehead. "Here let me help." He says, while picking me up by the waist, and putting me down on the back of the buggy. "Better?" I'm so flustered from this action that I just nod. When I'm finished with the last couple of things I start packing up. I turn a round and see Chase walking away. Without a 'thank you' or even a simple 'bye'. He's back to the old, cold and distant Chase. Unfortunately.

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