"We'll find the culprit, Mr. Bourgeois. You have my word." says Ladybug with an encouraging smile. I lean on Cat Noir with a nonchalant look.

The Mayor smiles at us and leads us inside the hotel where he calls out for Chloe. 

She pops up behind some couches with an excited grin, "Ladybug?!" She runs up and basically tackles Ladybug into a hug.

"I knew you'd come to save me! You know, considering what good friends we are!" Ladybug groans and tries to push her off.

I giggle at Ladybug's obvious hatred to Chloe.

After that interaction we're brought to Chloe's room to investigate. The culprit has stolen everything in Chloe's closet.

"I had to put out an emergency call to all the biggest designers. Can you imagine? My daughter wearing department-store clothing? How humiliating." complains the Mayor.

Ladybug sighs in annoyance, she turns on Chloe's TV which has access to all the main cameras of the hotel. 

We look through them to see if we can spot anything.

"Have you had any run-ins with anyone lately?" i ask, knowing Chloe it could be anybody.

"I never have run-ins with anyone. Everybody absolutely loves me." she says with pride.

Ladybug bends down to pick up a picture of Sabrina and Chloe.

"Really? Not even with your closest friends?" questions Ladybug with an eye roll.

Chloe grabs the picture, "Ah, Sabrina?" she drops the picture onto the floor, "Impossible. She adores me, I'm her idol!"

I sigh and turn to the Mayor, "Your daughter's safe here with the doors and windows locked. This enemy may be invisible, but it can't go through walls." i assure.

"I'm sure you'll make my life perfect again! Just like it was before!" exclaims Chloe as she hugs Ladybug again. 

Ladybug glares and swats her off. 

She walks off towards the elevator and pulls me along with her with a look of pure annoyance.

"Okay usually Chloe doesn't work her up THIS much."

The three of us walk into the elevator.

"Is something up? You seem..." I try to ask but Ladybug cuts me off with a huff.

"She's hiding something."


We find Chloe's personal butler in the hotel lobby so we start to question him and he tells us how Chloe and Sabrina were pretending to be Ladybug and Cat Noir, embarrassing, and when Sabrina accidentally humiliates her. Chloe throws a fit and pretends she doesn't exist.

Yep it all adds up now.

"You've been a great help to us. Thanks." praises the butler, he nods and walks away.

We start to walk back to the elevator, discussing what we can do. 

At least Ladybug and i am. 

Cat Noir tried to flirt again by giving a flower to Ladybug but she effortlessly ignored him, grabbing the flower and putting it back in one of the flower pots.

I cover up my grin by looking away.

"It's not gonna be easy to find someone we can't see." i say.

"So we'll just have to wait for her to find us. And we do have an advantage, she doesn't know we're onto her." says Ladybug with a smirk. 

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