20 - Ragatha

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Caine floated in front of the digital "couple". Jax seemed really shaken, and Pomni wouldn't leave his side no matter how much he begged.

"What is this all about, my friend?" the talking mouth asked politely.

"She's... she's getting worse... like A LOT worse... Please tell me you're almost done with a cure." Jax responded, sounding like he was traumatized.


"You have been making a cure, right?"

"I may have forgotten about it... but that's alright! I can start making one immediately! Toodles!" Caine popped out of existence to who knows where.

"That was a shorter conversation than I expected it to be," Jax admitted.

"Jax~ why don't we go back to your room~" Pomni said sexually, tracing her finger down Jax's chest.

"Pomni, why don't you go hang out with Ragatha; she's been dying to hang out with you..."

"But Jaxy~ Bunny boy~ I want to be with you~~~" Jax groaned. Deep down, he really did love Pomni, but this was going too far even for him. And, Pomni probably didn't reciprocate feelings. If Caine ever did find a cure, Pomni would probably loathe his guts and never talk to him again if he did something freaky with her.

"Let's go, Pomni." He grabbed her hand, and walked her over to Ragatha's room.

"Jax..." He began to knock on Ragatha's door. "But Jax I want to be with you~"

"Yes Pomni, I understand that. You can't be with me right now though. Not until you get better. Understand?" She sighed. Then, a familiar face peeked out through a small crack in the now barely open door.

"Do you guys need something?" Ragatha asked, a fake smile spread across her face which Jax somehow didn't pick up on.

"Can you... uhm... distract Pomni from me for a little bit? I need a rest from all of this..." Then, the smile on Ragatha's face evolved into a real one. 

"Of course!" she responded enthusiastically. "I've been meaning to spend some quality time with her~"

"Oh- uh- ok?? Thank you so much, do you need me to like give you something in return or-"

"No, no! It's perfectly fine! Have a great day Jax!" As he walked away, he didn't catch how sarcastically Ragatha said that last sentence.


"Your room is very... uh... interesting..." Pomni nervously whispered, as she stared at the many knives adorning the walls, whilst somehow forgetting about Jax's assassin.

"Oh yes, this is my collection! I can show some to you if you want!" Pomni was too nervous to say no.

"This one is my favorite~" Ragatha said, smirking at a butcher's knife. It however, didn't have a dent in its handle or scratches on the blade. She probably didn't use it much.

"It's perfect for chopping up animal meat! Like cows... pigs... bunnies..."

"I don't think it's meant for bunnies-"

"Does it really matter though? Anyways, this one is perfect for cutting up vegetables, like tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant etc!

"That doesn't sound too gruesome-"

"It's not like I'm a murderer or something!" the rag doll said with a sinister chuckle. They went on for the next couple hours with Ragatha talking about all her different knives, and surprisingly for Pomni (unsurprisingly for us) most of them had to do with torture, murder, and dismemberment. 

"I don't feel safe right now..." Pomni thought to herself.

As she shouldn't. One day some of these knives might be used on her.

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