17 - Date Pt. 2

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They stood together in front of a water ride. "You aren't afraid of water too, right Jaxy?~"

"I'm not that much of a ^&#$! PomPom, now let's get on it already~" he said with a joking eyeroll. Throughout the line, scattered amongst the placeholder mannequins were people not familiar to them, but people that may be familiar to all of you. Such being a person who resembled Jiji, a fan of top wing, a person named Kareem, and another individual who's name was LuciferTheFallen. Of course there were many more, but those are just a few ;)

As the line slowly progressed forwards, Jax and Pomni couldn't help but flirt a little bit. It brought joy to Jax's day whenever he made his little jester flustered. And it brought joy to Pomni's day to be teased by her bunny boy.

After a long while, they finally reached the boarding. They sat down on a boat together in the very back, a seat only fitting just the two of them. The ride began. At first it was pretty quiet, with a lack of animatronics and they floated along in the darkness. Out of the corner of Jax's eye, he noticed the girl staring romantically at him. 

Then, he heard a whisper. It was coming from Pomni and was meant for him. "Nobody will be able to see us right now y'know~" If it wasn't so dark, Pomni would've been able to see how red Jax's face turned. She placed her blue glove on his left thigh.

"P-Pomni I-"

"Shh~ I know what you want~" Pomni's eyes began to flutter closed, and her lips moved slightly closer together. But Jax realized something in that moment. Pomni was right. This is what he wanted. He silently chuckled, and thought, "I can't believe I'm about to do this~" 

Jax leaned in closer to her, and he tilted his head to the right slightly as their heads moved closer together. He couldn't tell if these feelings were caused by his mind or Pomni's curse. But he didn't care. Both their eyes shut as their lips made contact with one another. Jax felt her soft lips against his own, and her arms wrap around him. 

He loved it.

Nobody else on the boat had any idea of what was going on, and even if they did they were all NPCs. They didn't matter. But everything changed when Pomni started to go even farther. He felt her tongue slowly slide into his mouth. He wanted to stop, he wasn't ready for this, but at the same time he couldn't. He sucked lightly on her tongue, before he snapped back to reality.

He pulled away. Pomni was startled as her arms fell back down from Jax's shoulders. He looked away awkwardly, and Pomni seemed dejected. Before she could say anything, the boat fell down one of its drops, catching both of them by surprise. The next thing they knew, they were in a scene that was better lit and filled with loud music.

The rest of the ride was very uncomfortable for the both of them. They sat in silence, looking away from each other, with Jax moving his tongue around his mouth, savoring Pomni's taste. "I've ruined everything, haven't I?" he solemnly thought to himself.

Eventually the ride ended, and they departed from the boat. As Pomni was walking away to who knows where, she felt a strong hand grab her own. 

"I'm sorry, Pomni..."

She let out a giggle, "I was never mad at you~ mainly myself; I didn't mean to ruin things."

"You... You didn't ruin things. I want to be with you. I want to feel your tongue in my mouth. I want to put my tongue in your mouth, and I want you to bite it hard~ God I'm getting distracted. What I'm trying to say is, I want to do this with you, but I'm just not ready yet. I need time. This is the first relationship I ever remember having..."

"It's ok bunny boy~ Now why don't we share some cotton candy, ok?"

"I'm sorry you have to keep bringing this date back on track PomPom. But I love your determination~" The "couple" held hands once again, making up quite quickly, and exited the ride. They both decided they probably weren't going to go on the boat voyage again. The light hit them in the face after being in a dark room for 10 or so minutes. They also had to readjust to the feeling of stable ground and not the rocking of the boat.

"Do you want to go on the Ferris wheel after?" Jax asked.

"I thought you were scared of heights!"

"I... I am but... I need to overcome that fear. And that seems like a good place to start."

"You're so brave, bunny boy~"

"Thank you PomPom; why don't you get in line for the Ferris wheel while I grab the cotton candy, alright?"

"Sure sure!" She happily skipped away towards the direction of the attraction. After a while of searching, Jax found a cotton candy stand. 

"Finally, they make things so hard to find around here." He said, with his not-so-signature frown on his face. He was casually walking over to the stand, still limping but not as bad anymore, when a black-gloved hand grabbed his right arm and pulled him in between two attractions. An alley if you will.

"Some of you NPC's are crazy-" he started, before noticing the knife held to his throat. "Great. First a broken arm and now this."

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