21 - Antidote #1

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The bottle felt cold against his palm. It was a near duplicate of the shape of the one Pomni dropped that fateful month ago. It was slim and narrow, not too tall either, and he would never forget how the scent of chemicals raped his nostrils and made him sick to his stomach. Jax sighed while staring at it, recalling the conversation he had had with Caine just an hour earlier. Pomni was currently in her room, with the lanky bunny outside her door, waiting for the perfect opportunity to come in. He hoped this would be the one. The one to fix her.


Jax had been pacing around the circus, too scared to be with Pomni but too social to stay locked up in the safety of his housing (which really wasn't much of a housing, more of just a fairly large box which contained a bed and a spot on the floor with slightly less dust, and that just so happened to be where Pomni's mattress used to lay), when he was magically teleported to a mysterious room in the void.

"Holy #*$%!" he exclaimed, the instant change of scenery causing him mass vertigo and shock.

"As you have mentioned to me recently, Pomni's condition is becoming 'more severe' in your words. Andddd I may or may not have forgotten about making a cure-"


"Don't interrupt me my friend! I have found a... uh... quick solution, you might say! I have put much thought into what could help her, and while Alchemist Bubble has been making the-thing-we-mustn't-speak-of, I have made something of my own!"

The floating mouth reached into the pocket of his reddish-violet coat, and after rummaging around a bit his white-gloved hand wrapped around the top of the vial. As it left his pocket, Jax's eye was immediately caught by its bright bluish color. 

"Andddd here you go! Remember to tell me if this works!"

"Wait, slow down a minute. You haven't tested to see if it works?"

"Well, what would we test it on? There was only one original potion and we have no idea how to remake it, so Pomni is our only source of success when it comes to the antidote!" 

Jax let out a frustrated sigh. "So now she's basically your lab rat? Or what, you just expect me to give this to her without knowing the side effects?"

"My my! It almost seems like you're starting to care about her! Is that why you're wondering if the spell is contagious?" Jax broke eye contact and looked down at his feet shamefully. 

"Look, if I'm gonna be stuck with her I might as well learn to... not... hate her? I don't really know... I..." The blue concoction was thrust into his hands with great force, making it quite apparent that Caine wanted nothing more than to get rid of him. "Caine-" But before he could finish, he was back in the circus, his feet in the exact place they were before he had been transported to Caine's "secret lair" of sorts.


The digital wood of the door stared back at him. He raised his hand to knock a couple of times, but almost couldn't bring himself to do it. Jax could only wonder if the potion would work, and if it didn't... maybe something even worse could happen, and he knew it would be all his fault for even allowing her to drink it in the first place. Pomni would probably lose her trust in him, but still wouldn't be able to resist herself when around him. If that wasn't mental torture, Jax didn't know what was. His hand raised again, but this time for the last time. His eyes shut as he inhaled deeply through his nose, oxygen filling his lungs and clearing his mind, before he slowly parted his lips and let all the now oxygen-free air run out. Once again, his eyes were open. 

He moved his hand forward and as it was about to collide with the wood, making a sort of hollow sound that would alert Pomni of his presence, it swung open as the little jester decided to leave her room in that exact instant. She walked straight into Jax. He dramatically fell backward, and the vial was probably an inch away from hitting the floor and shattering when he moved his arm up and away from the ground. His back thudded hard against the floor, causing pain to course through his already injured body (thanks Zooble.) He was struck with panic as he realized how close the solution was to breaking. If they got in this whole situation from a broken bottle, imagine how much worse it could've become.

"Jax! Jax~"

"Pomni, let's go back into your room, alright?" 

Pomni, assuming he may have had more lustful and somewhat "sinister" intentions, whole-heartedly invited him into her room, letting him go first as she quickly shut the door behind him. That's when she saw what was in Jax's hand. 

"Bunny boy, what is that?" she curiously said, with a face full of wonder and still a faint hint of distracted sexual ambition. 

"This... uh..." He knew what to say to convince Pomni to drink it (if that was what she was even meant to do.) However, he didn't know if he had to strength to let such vulgar words escape his mind and exit through his mouth. "It's... it's uh..."

"Got your tongue tied? I got something that you can lick that might fix that~"


"Is my Jaxy perturbed~ or maybe even... turned on?~"

Jax knew there was only one way to fix this. One way to make Pomni stop saying such terrible terrible things. Each sexual word she said made his brain rot quicker and quicker.

"IT'S SOMETHING KINKY OK?!" His purple face turned from a shade of lavender to a bright hot red. This sentence even seemed to catch Pomni by a yearned for surprise. She walked closer, her teeth softly biting her lip and then dragging itself back into her mouth. "Why didn't you just say so sooner Jaxy~ I always knew you felt the same way~" He caught himself backing away, before thudding against the wall. He knew he wouldn't have a repeater of the other night. His head turned away quickly, knowing Pomni wasn't nearly strong enough to drag him onto her level. He did however know she would definitely be strong enough to pull his pants down, and she just so happened to be at the perfect level to do something she couldn't resist. His hand shoved the vial into her face. 

"Just... just drink it, ok? And please don't ask any questions..." Her face showed many emotions, distrust, interest, but the one that stood out the most was confusion. She sheepishly grabbed it from Jax's hands, knowing that this is what he wanted her to do. And maybe, if she was lucky, they could fuck all night until she could barely walk. She took the cork out, and a flashbang memory hit her.


She had just exited her room, Jax holding a pair of scissors in his hand, which would in the future be stored in her dresser to which she would secretly sometimes stroke at night, his lingering scent making her even more and more passionate towards him. His foot struck out. Pomni's memories were however, distorted, causing her to believe that she almost wanted to be tripped by him. She believed she saw his foot, and pretended not to anyways. Just so she could be with him. That's when the bottle broke. It seeped through her pores and somehow made it into her body. That's when she felt confused, and that confusion later turned to-


After the cork was taken out of the bottle, a very strong scent of chemicals hit her nose. "God, Jax, what the hell is this?"

"I said don't ask any questions... please... uhm... d-daddy doesn't like when you ask questions..." This had the intended effect on her. Her flirtatious expression returned, and she licked the edge of the bottle, before slowly pouring it in her mouth, making eye contact with the embarrassed and desperate Jax at the same time. 

"Are you happy now Jaxy?~" She walked towards him, and by the looks of it she wasn't getting better at all. He had to fight the urges to push her away and run out the door. But he had to stay by her side. Maybe it would just take a while.

"You know what I w-" she stopped walking, a grimace of pain spreading across her face. The blueish liquid seeped out of her mouth as she stumbled slightly, and she started choking.

"Pomni? POMNI??" The jester fell onto her knees as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed onto the floor. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" he thought, wanting to yell it out loud but knowing it would quickly be censored. Jax didn't know what was in the antidote, but whatever it was most likely ended Pomni's life. He needed help, and there was only one other caring nursing motherly figure in the circus. Or at least, she seemed to care.


Because Of A PotionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora