7 - The First Night

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After dragging Pomni around with him all day (against his own will might I add) he was completely and utterly exhausted. "Pomni, I'm going to bed. Hopefully you're better in the morning."

"Jaxy~" Pomni lustfully said, "Call me yours~"

"Oh hell nah."

She giggled. "Ok ok~ Call me PomPom then~"

"Ugh, fine I guess. But only if you're still like this when you wake up."

"Can I kiss you on the cheek, hot stuff?"

"No." She didn't listen, and jumped up, kissing him regardless. He immediately wiped it off his cheek.

"Why the hell would you do that? Didn't you hear what I just said?!"

"Of course I heard you Jaxy~ I just physically can't stop myself~" then again, she let out a delicate laugh.

"I'm not dealing with this right now. Goodnight Pomni."

"Remember, call me PomPom~"

"For goodness sakes. Goodnight. Pom. Pom." and he walked away to his room. Pomni followed. As he began to unlock his room after sorting through all of his keys, he noticed Pomni still lingering behind him. "Uh, PomPom, your room is over there." As he said this, he motioned towards her door.

"Oh, I know! I thought I could sleep with you tonight!"


"Can I?~"

"Oh let me think about it- $#!^ NO POMPOM! Did I just instinctively call you PomPom-"

"Oh... Pretty please though~"



"No." They went on arguing like this for what felt like forever, until Pomni agreed to sleep in her own room. "Finally." He opened the door to his room and turned on the lights, beginning to get ready for bed. As he walked over to his mattress however, he noticed a red and blue jester huddled up in his blankets.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Are you surrrrre I can't sleep with you?~" 

Jax sighs. "Listen. Let's strike up a deal, got it? I'll bring your mattress into here and you can sleep on the floor."


"You better not make me regret this."

"I won't!~" Jax began to walk over to Pomni's room, grabbing her mattress and dragging it out, being extremely careful not to let any of the other residents see. Once the mattress was finally in Jax's room, Pomni gave Jax a tight hug, nearly suffocating him. "Goodnight my love~"

"Ugh. Goodnight PomPom." She laid down on the mattress on the floor and curled up into a little ball, like a small kitten. Pomni fell asleep instantly. Jax just stared at her. "I... have to admit... she's kinda cute like that... Holy %^!$ what am I thinking? I should probably just go to sleep." He laid down in his bed, sprawled out, and shut his eyes. 


"Yeah I can't sleep." the lavender rabbit sighed. He continued to lay there, staring at Pomni as he didn't know what else to do. He watched as her body very slightly moved up and down as she breathed. He stared at her closed eyes. Jax couldn't help but think about how she looked so much more peaceful when she was asleep vs. when she was awake. He wished she could always be that peaceful; maybe then she wouldn't be such a pain in the ass. She was exquisite. And even though when she was awake she was really annoying, maybe Pomni was still the best one out of everyone else. Jax chuckled very slightly under his breath.

"Maybe the potion is affecting me too..."

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