Discovery Pt 1

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Joong was staring at his husband through out their journey back.

"There's nothing else that I'm hiding from you and I didn't purposely hide this from you. It just didn't come up. I haven't written songs in years. Pond and Phu can vouch for me." He points towards them as they reached home. Pond was sitting close to Phuwin with an arm slung over his shoulder as they were looking at the iPad. Pond nodded his head.

"Yup, that's why we took over the music room. All those instruments belong to hia" Phuwin explained. It suddenly made sense to Joong why Gemini had asked him to ask Dunk's permission to use the guitar a few years back.

"I'm more afraid that they'll find out who I was and ask me go back into the industry." Dunk sighed as he flopped on the sofa. Phuwin patted his shoulder.

"Wasn't it your passion, Hia? Vespera is doing well. You can relax a little more." Phuwin wanted his brother to think of himself for once.

"That series was more than indulging. I don't want you to take up too much time with Vespera. You still have your studies going and I wouldn't want you to work too much and lose out time with Pond." He slided in casually. Phuwin blushed.

Pond and Phuwin had always been close. They were able to read each other just through gesture and eye contact. Dunk had hinted about it to Pond for a while after witnessing those quiet gestures. Phuwin would be a perfect partner for him, he is everything he wished Pond would have- an innocent, attentive, caring partner who is able to hold him through life's journey. Someone without burden. He knows Pond will love and guard Phuwin with his life. But neither Pond nor Phuwin gave it a serious thought. They had always prioritized Dunk's wellbeing. It wasn't until Dunk's wedding that they decided to give their relationship a label. Dunk couldn't be more ecstatic when they both finally announced that they are together .

"Hia! Vespera is part of my internship. I only have 1 project paper left. I'm fine." Phuwin exclaimed.

"Not letting you follow my footsteps. Pond, take care of your faen." Dunk commented before he left them.

"Khup." Pond replied and gave Phuwin a sniff kiss. 


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A/N: Finally, a PondPhuwin moment. Khoor tord na kha. Really couldn't find another slot. Sometimes what I imagine and what turns out in writing are so different. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 

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