The surprise plan

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"How is Phi Dunk?" Fourth asked as  he digs into his meal at the school cafeteria along with Gemini, Phuwin and Mark.

"Better, he's finally resting." Gemini replied.

"You might want to ask Phi Dunk to update his social media. Do you know how many conspiracy theories are out there since Phi Joong's last photo of him?" Mark commented.

"Gor jing (really). Phi Janhae usually posts photos of him on the Vespera page even if he doesn't post anything but there has been silence since Phi Joong's photo." Fourth added.

"I don't want Hia to be stressed out by this. You know how he gets." Phuwin sighed.

"You could update on his behalf, he trusts both of you anyways." Fourth suggested.

"Probably. I was thinking maybe we could arrange something for his birthday, so he can really relax and get away from all these stress. Like a birthday getaway. Get Phi Pond to help." Phuwin said thoughtfully.

"Or maybe get his fans to brainstorm with you guys when you get the word out there that he is fine?" Mark suggested excitedly.

"I'm liking this idea by the minute. It's going to be an epic birthday surprise. All we need is Hia's social media account access." Gemini said gleefully.

"I'm not liking this one bit" Phuwin grumbled.

But yet here he stands along with his twin as Dunk looks at them suspiciously.

"My social media account? I haven't accessed them since my phone died the last round." He takes out his old phone.

"You want to manage my social media accounts?" Dunk asked curiously, Gemini nodded enthusiastically elbowing Phuwin for support.

"People are worried about you. We thought we'll just post occasionally. You have enough on your plate as it is so we think we can take over this." Phuwin said with a forced smile.

"I didn't think about that. Maybe I should get the PR team to do it."

"No!! hia, no. let us do it... let us try. It's good exposure for us." Gemini smiled. Dunk stared at both them as he looks for an answer.

"okay... I'm really taking a leap of faith here. No funny business, I trust you to know what you can or cannot post. Mask your face, mask your voice, nothing identifiable that they can track you... I want both of you to be safe. Don't take the comments to heart. There will be people that will like me and there will be people that don't. It's the fact of life. Most of all, I want you to focus on your studies. Can you do that?" The twins nodded as Dunk hands over his phone. "Let Phi First or Pond know if you run into any issues." They saluted before leaving him to his work.

After a long debate between the twins, they decided to do a short clip introducing themselves as the baby duo that lives with Dunk. Phuwin wasn't happy with that name but Gemini told him that it matches with baby CEO which is what Dunk's fanclub calls him. They had taken a short clip of them sneaking into Dunk's home office. He did not notice them as he was focusing on the screen of his laptop. They slowly closed the door assuring Dunk's fans that he is very much alive and recovering. They moved on to the reason for making this video.

"Phi Dunk's birthday is coming soon, we are thinking of organizing a birthday getaway for him. We would appreciate any ideas that come our way. We look forward to hearing your suggestion." Gemini said cheerfully in the video.

Joong was the first to comment, which had the fans cheering. A long stream of suggestion came after. The twins then updated their LINE group on the final three options that they knew their brother will most likely be interested in. After some discussion back and forth, the plan was set. All they need to do is wait for the day to arrive.   


A/N: Can't believe I managed to get 2 chapters out today. Hopefully you understand why the twins change from hia to phi dunk. I really think Dunk puts too much trust in the twins to give them full control of his social media accounts. 🤣🤣 

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter. 

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