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The news of the incident did get out. GMMTV had set out a statement that Amp had acted on her own accord and was let go due to the assault charges in place. Two camps had started to form since the incident happened- The JoongDunk camp that grows strong as it is and the other supporting Amp, despite the harm that she had done. It wasn't so much that they supported her as a person but the idea that she represents, that they couldn't accept that Joong could be anything more than heterosexual.

Joong stares at the ceiling from his bed. He feels like he is grasping thin air. He can't fathom the need of choosing one over the other- to lose the love of his life who inspired the career that he now has and the said career that helps him support his family. He lamented as such on social media. He changed the context a little, stating that it had shaken Dunk, his onscreen partner and best friend. That Dunk wonders if his presence is a threat to his career and is thinking of stepping out for his sake. He doesn't understand it. He doesn't understand how his sexuality is a matter of concern in his work of craft. His work should speak for itself. He shouldn't need to choose... because these are two important part of his life and he can't choose. Dunk is too important for him to lose. Tears rolled down his eyes as he spoke. He ends it at that as the emotion starts to overwhelm him.


Dunk chose not to take a break after the incident as it had already caused a delay in the photoshoot schedule. He was amused that he now has 4 bodyguards following him to the shoot- Pond, Phuwin, Gemini and it goes without saying that Paaw Tinn had assigned a personal protection detail to be with him at all times. The bruising on his neck visible as he has no intention of wearing a turtleneck with the heat in Thailand. That would be suicidal. He decided to take a couple of test shots of Pond, Phuwin and Gemini to lighten the mood before the boys come. All in all, it was day of good work. The boys were concerned, they showered him with love and hugs.

He was shocked when he saw the crowd outside as he was about to leave. They were holding banners showing support towards him and Joong, asking him not to leave Joong. He was confused by their statement.

Joong had come over that night with Paaw Jack behind him. Joong had shown him the support that they had rallied were not just from his fandom, the JoongDunk fandom but also the support of the LGBTQ+ community. Paaw Jack had gone through in detail with Dunk on Joong's career prospect and how he projects it in the next few years. Joong looked at them nervously. Pond gave his shoulder a squeeze in support. Dunk was quiet. He walked Paaw Jack out with a smile, thanking him for taking the effort to go through it with him. Joong's eyes tracked Dunk's every move. He catches him as his knees buckle when the stress from the last few days melts away.

He carried him back to his room and watches as Dunk sobs in his arms, finally releasing all the weight that he had been carrying- all the fear, overwhelming thoughts and feelings when he realized he needed to leave Joong. Joong teared quietly with him as he stroked Dunk's hair. He knows that they were finally going to be okay.   


A/N: Joong may have fell for Dunk first, but Dunk fell harder for Joong. I guess the main issue with Dunk in this series is the fact that he feels a lot but never really express it.  What do you think?

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 

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