The healing begins

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Phuwin isn't someone who sits back. He can't stand being helpless, especially not when his brother is suffering. He decides to take matter into his own hand, posting the clip that Gemini took, appealing to the fans who are parents or showing it to their parents or grandparents to give support and word of encouragement to their brother. He believes their parents are proud of his brother. He just needs his brother to believe it too.


Paaw Charn was right. Khit did arrange a press conference the day after. Before he got a word in, the media started bombarding him on whether he cheated Dunk out of the Boonprasert Corporation shares, if he really had been so heartless as to leave a newly young adult with two underage kids to fend on their own. Khit was confused by it all until the video clip was projected onto the screen.

"I can corroborate with everything that my client, khun Dunk had said in that video. We do have evidence on hand after all. Not forgetting khun Boonprasert that you have violated the restraining order that my client has filed against you. I hope you enjoy." Paaw Charn's signature smile on his face as the police proceeds to cuff Khit. This is but the first of gift that Paaw Charn has for him. He had been collecting evidence against him in the event that he does harm his adoptive son. Nothing would have come of it if he had kept quiet. As people say, revenge is always best served cold.


It was a few days later that Phi Khaotung had informed Dunk that he has an interview to attend along with Joong. Phi Leo who had interviewed Dunk many times had realized that something was off with him. He sat a little stiffer, he was a lot quieter and his smile doesn't reach his eyes. Joong had often glanced at him with worry as he zones out more than usual. Mae Godji had started off the interview with the usual introduction. Phi Leo continued on to say that the JoongDunk fandom had prepared video clips for Dunk to watch. Dunk paid a little more attention at the mention of his name.

The screen behind them lights up with many windows of many smiling faces. Some were fan who said how he had inspired them. Some were fans who were parents themselves had mentioned how proud they would be to call him their son. Some fans who showed their parents clips of him had voiced the same sentiment. There was even a cute interaction between a granddaughter who showed the clip of him to her grandmother. The grandmother asked the granddaughter why isn't he her boyfriend until she had told her that he is already taken. The grandmother had asked if his partner is good to him. Dunk had laughed with grateful tears rimming in his eyes. "Khoorp khun na khup, Yaa. Faen phom dee tee sut (Thank you, grandma. My boyfriend is the best)" he said as he looks at Joong.    

Dunk thanked all his fans for the support and the word of encouragement

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Dunk thanked all his fans for the support and the word of encouragement. He will try his best to be the best person he can be. As if a rock had been lifted off his chest and the healing begins, he smiled through his tears.            


A/N: in reality I do doubt that would be enough to heal but it's a beginning for Dunk to see things from a different perspective. If you really are going through depression, it is still best to seek professional help from mental health service providers.

Are you liking it so far? I know it's kinda deep for the past 2 days, but just hang on... we'll be getting to fluff era soon enuf I think. 🧐🧐

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 

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