Chapter 96

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The Falconry lessons seemed to be going well so far. The kids were engaged and interested in what Steve had to say, including Earl. Eddie was relieved. He was finding it interesting too.

"A bird of prey will try and train you, given half the chance. Breaking them in can take months, or even years" Steve informed the group

"A bit like this talk then?" Michaela grumbled sarcastically, rolling her eyes

"Boring you, am I?" Steve questioned, raising an eyebrow at her

"Yeah! I don't see anything impressive about showing off some tied up birds to a bunch of kids who have no choice but to be here either!" she huffed

"We all know who we're really here for" she added, glaring at Earl

"Michaela" Eddie scolded

"There are no captives here. The Falcons are free to go at any moment, just like you are" Steve reassured

Michaela scoffed, rolling her eyes again

"It's true! The only means I've got of keeping track of this fella, is this little device here" Steve explained, holding up a small device attached to the Falcon's claw

He let the Falcon go, everyone watching as it flew away.

"But ultimately, there's no guarantee he'll come back. Just like there's no guarantee that you'll turn up at School tomorrow. I've just got to hope that I've built up enough trust, coupled with a little bit of bribery, to show him I can offer him an easier life here, compared to what he'd have out in the wild" he continued

The group watched curiously as Steve reached into his pocket.

"This is a lure, a little toy to simulate the hunt" he explained, pulling out the leather type pouch, which had some bait attached to it

"If I can get you all to form a line down here, we'll see if Kes over there fancies a game of catch"

Everyone moved over to the right of the playground. They watched as Steve attached the leather pouch to a string, swinging it around to build its momentum. Once it was high enough, he swung it in the direction of the Falcon, who was flying freely in the air. The Falcon caught it with ease, landing back on the ground. Everyone applauded.

Steve smiled.

"So, I managed to get his attention. The question is, have I got yours? Who wants to be the first to hold the Peregrine Falcon?"

"Me!" Earl piped up

"What a surprise!" Michaela exclaimed, glaring at Earl

"What about you then, Michaela?" Eddie suggested

Michaela shrugged, walking over to Steve confidently. He gave her a glove to put on.

"Right, now you've put that on, just let him step up onto you" Steve instructed her

Michaela held her arm out, flinching as the Falcon climbed onto her arm.

"Of course in the old days, it was all about different birds for different status" Steve explained to the group once he'd got Michaela situated

"I know which one I'm having, then" Earl smirked, glancing at the female Falcon next to Steve

"The Harris Hawk? Sienna? Not likely, son! Unless you want a nasty peck on the cheek!" Steve chuckled

Earl glared at him

"What? So I don't even get a go?" he huffed

"You can have a go... with the Peregrine Falcon" Steve insisted

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