Chapter 131

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It was Wednesday morning. Eddie woke up to his 6AM alarm screeching at him. He reached over to his bedside table, switching off the relentless beeping noise on his phone. He sighed as he yawned.

His hand instinctively stroked the empty side of the bed where Rachel would usually be. He had spent every night of the last week in hope that maybe she would change her mind in the middle of the night and he would wake up with her curled into his side. It hadn't happened yet. Eddie wasn't sure if it ever would.

Today was a big day. It was the first day back at Waterloo Road, following the death of Maxine. Lessons were back on as usual. The Governors were also coming in for a meeting, to discuss the events of the previous week. Eddie probably wouldn't have been so nervous if he wasn't still in the role of Acting Head in Rachel's absence. He was slowly getting to grips with the role and what it entailed. He was getting used to the paperwork too. But he hadn't hosted a Governors meeting or done a proper school day in his new, temporary role. If he was honest, he missed having Rachel by his side. This was her job, not his. They worked best together, as a team. He was nothing without her. Personally and professionally.

Once he'd showered and changed into a shirt, trousers and a blazer, he headed downstairs.

He stopped dead in the kitchen doorway. The sight before him had taken him by surprise.

Rachel was sat at the kitchen table, typing away on her laptop. She was wearing a casual, yet smart, black dress, tights and a black cardigan. Her hair was brushed, and she had even applied makeup. Eddie would have assumed she was feeling better, if he hadn't seen the bin sat very close by on the chair next to her. That and her pale complexion. Makeup couldn't hide everything.

Eddie couldn't deny it; he was a little taken aback seeing her sat there. Just a few hours ago, he had sat with her as she had calmed herself down from yet another nightmare. He had held her hair back as she had, once again, vomited. He'd expected her to be asleep right now, or at least resting in bed. He would have been ok with her being up and ready to go to work, if she was feeling better. But, judging from her pale complexion and the bin next to her, it was clear that she wasn't.

Getting over his shock, he walked casually over to her, placing a soft kiss in her hair. To his relief, she didn't flinch, but she also didn't react in any other way either. Her eyes remained glued to her laptop.

"Morning, darling" he whispered

"Morning" she replied simply, continuing to type

"How are you feeling?" he asked tentatively

"Better. I'm ready for the first day back. You'll have to catch me up on everything though" she answered

"Not a problem. Are you sure you're well enough?" he questioned

He chose to ignore her less than subtle eye roll.

"I'm fine. I can't be off work forever. And the Governors are coming today" she huffed, standing up to grab something out of the printer

"I know- it's just... you're still not well, Rach. You need to rest" he sighed, switching on the kettle

"I'm fine" she repeated, sitting back down

Eddie nodded, unconvinced.

"Do you want anything for breakfast?" he asked, putting some bread into the toaster for himself

Rachel shook her head, sipping on a glass of water.

Once his toast and coffee was ready, he left the kitchen. The smell of bread still had the power to make Rachel sick and he didn't want to take any chances. It also seemed that, once again, she wasn't in the mood for conversation.

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