Chapter 95

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Eddie stepped into Rachel's office, clearing his throat so she knew he was there. She looked up at him wearily. Eddie's concern only grew when he saw how miserable she looked. Her eyes were clouded with fatigue.

"No arguments, Rach. We're going out tonight" he announced

She frowned at him

"What are you on about now?"

"Me, you and Philip are going out tonight. My treat, I'm arranging it all" he told her

Rachel sighed, rubbing her eyes

"Eddie, I can't! Look how much work I've got to do!" she whined, pointing to the huge pile of paperwork beside her

"Rach, it'll still be here tomorrow waiting for you!" he reasoned

"Yes, and then I'll have double the paperwork to do!" she argued

"Well, I'll help you with it! I have most of the day free tomorrow" he shrugged

Rachel threw her head back against her chair in frustration. He wasn't listening to her. She was too tired for this.

"It's not that simple, Eddie" she sighed

"Rach, is the world going to end if you don't get that paperwork done tonight?" he asked

"No, but,"

"Is the school going to explode if you don't get that paperwork done tonight?"

"No, but I..."

"Is the paperwork going to magically grow legs and run off if you leave it till tomorrow?"

Rachel giggled

"Ok, ok, you've made your point! I'll come, but only if you tell me where we're going!"

"Well, Philip likes Bowling, so I thought we could go there. Then, I thought we could drop Philip back at home and we can go for dinner"

"Isn't Philip coming for dinner?" Rachel questioned

"He said he didn't want to. It took enough persuading to get him to agree to come Bowling with us!" he explained

Rachel chuckled

"So, are you in?" Eddie asked

"I guess so" she nodded

"Perfect" he smiled, kissing her lips gently

Eddie tilted her chin so she was looking into his eyes. She smiled at him weakly.

"Are you ok?" he asked

"Just tired" she nodded

"No paperwork tonight, Rach. You, me and Philip are going Bowling, then we're going out for dinner. And after that, I'm going to run you a bath and you can have an early night, ok?"

"Wow, you've really planned all this out, haven't you?" she giggled

"Only because I'm worried about you, Rach. You need a break. You'll burn yourself out if you're not careful" he sighed

"I guess one night off won't hurt" she nodded

"It won't, Rach. You can't keep going like this, you'll be ill"

"I know. I just want to do my job properly" she sighed

"And you are. More than properly if you ask me" He smiled, kissing her forehead

She smiled, blushing furiously

"If you want me to have a paperwork free evening, I suggest you get on your way, Mr Lawson" she teased, pushing him away from her

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