Chapter 15

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"Eddie I'm not going to argue with you about this! The Doctors have said I'm doing well, so I'm discharging myself and going home!"

Eddie put his head in his hands, sighing deeply in frustration.

It hadn't even been 24 hours since Eddie had found Rachel unconscious on her bathroom floor. She'd been at the Hospital for a little over 12 hours, and she was already discharging herself from care.

"Rachel, the Doctor said your surgeries went well, that doesn't mean you're well enough to go home! You've sustained major internal and external injuries less than 24 hours ago, you can't just go home!" he argued

Rachel glared at him from where she was perched on the edge of the bed. All she really wanted to do was lie back down, because the pain was excruciating. Luckily she hid it well. Eddie wasn't going to change her mind about this.

"There's no point me staying here, Eddie! I have painkillers, antibiotics and a comfy sofa and bed to lie on at home! I can't relax or rest here. I just want to be at home" she explained defiantly

There was truth in her words. She hadn't slept a wink all night. Eddie hadn't either.

It was bad enough that every time she closed her eyes, Stuart's face was hovering over her, staring back at her. But on top of that, Nurses and Doctors footsteps echoed down the corridor constantly, along with their mindless chatter. They'd been into her room a few times in the night to check on her and to give her more medication.

There was also the monitor that was next to her bed, beeping away relentlessly. It irritated her, the noise ringing in her ears.

Eddie understood she wanted to be at home. She hated hospitals and he could tell she wasn't comfortable. The last thing she needed after being brutally attacked was to be somewhere she hated, that made her feel uncomfortable and scared. But at the same time, it was the best place for her.

"Rachel, you're not well enough to go home! What if something goes wrong?" He protested

Rachel sighed. She understood Eddie's concern. But she wasn't going to change her mind.

"You're not going to win this one, Eddie. I've made up my mind. I'm going home" she replied firmly

Eddie shook his head in disbelief, rolling his eyes. You couldn't win against Rachel Mason. He seemed to keep learning that lesson over and over again. He'd yet to accept her stubborn nature.

But Eddie was stubborn too. And he had a plan.

"Fine. You can discharge yourself. On one condition"

"What's that?" Rachel questioned, frowning

"That you let me look after and keep an eye on you whilst you recover"

Rachel shook her head

"You don't need to do that, Eddie" she insisted

"I want to, Rachel. You're going to need help, so let me help. It's either that, or you stay here" he persisted

"Ok, fine" Rachel agreed reluctantly

Eddie exhaled in relief. She'd agreed to let him help her.

"Right, I'm going to go and get the car ready, I'll be back in a minute" he decided

"Ok" Rachel nodded

Once he'd left, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. She hadn't wanted to discharge herself, but she couldn't stay here. The fact that Eddie had offered to help and be by her side meant a lot to her. Even though she didn't want to be a burden to him, she suddenly felt less alone.

She flipped through the discharge papers, signing each one. When she'd finished, a Doctor talked her through the endless supply of medications she needed to take, as well as how to look after her wounds and injuries. After that, the Doctor left, leaving her with a dozen leaflets on infection, post-surgery and pain management, as well as two bags of medication. She sat there, feeling a little overwhelmed, hoping Eddie would be back soon.

"Miss Mason?"

Rachel jumped, turning around slowly towards the door. A Nurse was standing in the doorway. Rachel gave her a small smile.

"Yes, that's me" she confirmed

"I was asked to give you this" the Nurse responded simply

She handed Rachel a folded up slip of paper. Rachel examined it carefully, noticing her name written on the front. She frowned, she didn't recognise the handwriting.

The Nurse had left before she could ask any questions.

She unfolded the piece of paper, her blood running cold as her eyes skimmed over the words.

"Hope you had fun last night, I know I did. Tell anyone and you're dead. See you soon, Amanda- SH"

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