Chapter 41

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Rachel and Eddie woke up to the alarm screaming at them. Eddie groaned.

Rachel squirmed out of Eddie's embrace and sprung out of bed immediately, leaving a sleepy Eddie to wake up.

When it came to mornings and waking up, Eddie and Rachel were polar opposites. Eddie always pressed the snooze button before eventually getting up. Rachel on the other hand, couldn't physically stay in bed and was up as soon as, or even before her alarm went off.

She headed into the bathroom, turning on the shower, stepping in and letting the warm water wash over her. She sighed contentedly.

As she washed her hair, she thought about the day ahead. She was hoping it would be drama and disaster free. But this was Waterloo Road, the chaos never stopped! She was expecting to be thrown in at the deep end today.

She turned off the shower, drying herself off before getting changed into a white blouse and black trousers. It felt good to be back in her work clothes again. Once she was dressed, she dried and straightened her hair.

When she stepped out of the bathroom, Eddie had fallen back to sleep. Rachel smiled to herself as she watched his chest rise and fall in a gentle rhythm. Eddie Lawson really wasn't a morning person! She considered waking him, but it was only 5:30AM. She could let him have another hour in bed.

She quietly headed downstairs, making herself a cup of tea and some toast whilst she logged into her laptop and signed into her email. There were no important messages awaiting her yet, no sign of upcoming disaster, which was a relief. In fact, the only email she'd had was from Nigel from the LEA, wishing her luck on her first day back. She was grateful that the LEA still had her back, despite knowing about her past.

Eddie woke up around 45 minutes later. Rachel put the kettle on to make him a coffee, as well as another cup of tea for herself. If Eddie didn't have his morning coffee, he would be in a foul mood and would be unable to function. Rachel had learnt that during the first few weeks of them working together.

He finally emerged from upstairs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Rachel walked over to him, handing him his coffee and brushing down his blazer to make him look less dishevelled.

"Morning, Rach" he said with a laugh, taking the coffee from her gratefully

She finished dusting off his clothes, kissing him on the cheek gently with a smile.

"Do you want some toast?" She asked

"No, thanks. How are you feeling?" He questioned, sitting at the table

"I'm feeling good! I just want to get stuck in really. We have so much to do that we didn't accomplish last term" she gushed

"I know, and we'll do it together" he nodded, finishing his coffee

Rachel smiled

"Come on, we should get going" she decided, grabbing her bag off the kitchen counter

Eddie grabbed his own bag and they headed out of the house. Eddie frowned as Rachel walked over to the passenger side of his car.

"What's wrong?" She frowned

"Are you sure you feel comfortable coming into work with me? Aren't you worried about the kids and staff's reactions?" He questioned

"Are you?" She challenged

"No, not at all. I just want to take this at your pace that's all" he explained

Rachel was so grateful he was being so patient and taking her feelings into consideration with everything. But she knew he needed that reassurance from her sometimes.

She sighed, walking over to him and placing her hands on his chest.

"I don't mind if the kids and staff know about us, Eddie. Maybe a few weeks ago I would have been more apprehensive, but not anymore" she reassured

Eddie smiled, taking her hands into his own.

"Does that mean I can hold your hand in the playground?" He whispered, grinning cheekily

"Don't push your luck!" she giggled, smacking his chest playfully

Eddie laughed. The smile that lit up her face warmed his heart.

He climbed into his car, Rachel joining him. He started the car with one hand, his free hand locked firmly in Rachel's.

I'll keep you safeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ