Chapter 94 - His Friends

Start from the beginning

Although his words belied hers, his blushing cheeks told a different story and so quickly made his friends laugh. The sound drew Aiden and Ryan's attention as well, and when his dark eyes met his brown ones, the redness in his cheeks intensified.

Ryan looked like he wanted to kiss him at that moment, but he was holding back, probably for Kieran's sake, so Evan leaned into him in a different way, resting his forehead against his shoulder, hiding from the others' gazes.

"Awww, you guys are so cute."


Aiden's introduction to Ryan and the first ultimate meeting of his two worlds turned out to go better than he had anticipated. The real challenge came when he got home.

Since he'd stayed at Marwell a little longer, when he got home his parents were waiting for him on the couch in the living room. Luckily, he had thought to text them after a few minutes at the coffee shop and let them know he'd gotten a ride, but he'd still be staying a little longer.

"Hey, honey. Did everything go well at school?" his mom addressed him first. Slowly, with the help of his crutches, he moved closer to the couch, first dropping his crutches on the side of the couch, then his backpack, and finally himself.

"All cool. Angie and my friends helped me, so luckily I wasn't late for anything and didn't have to argue with anyone about being in my way," he replied honestly.

Although he usually didn't mention his friends in front of his parents, fearing their reaction, this time he couldn't help himself. Ever since he and Ryan had gotten together, he'd been less inclined to hide everything from his parents, and even though he couldn't tell them about him, he decided to at least tell them something else.

"That's great. Luckily you won't be on crutches for long," his mom encouraged him, and surprisingly she didn't seem bothered by the mention of his friends.

"I can't wait," he admitted with a sigh.

"Think of it positively,'" his dad tried to encourage him. "Luckily, you're a wolf, so this is probably the last time you'll need them. Hopefully."

"Right," nodded Evan, whose thoughts had managed to wander to the permission slip in his backpack. His parents seemed to be in a good mood, would it be bad to take advantage of that?

"Listen," he said out loud before he could think it through. "I know you don't like me sleeping away from home, but I really have two very important reasons for wanting to do this." Not only did he need to get them to let him go to New York, but he also needed their permission to stay at Josh's on Saturday.

"Sounds serious," his father spoke up.

"Just because I'm seriously hoping you'll say yes," he admitted honestly. "My friend Josh asked me if I wanted to sleep over at his place on Saturday. Angie's going too. All my friends are going to be there and I'd love to go," he explained, biting his lip with nerves, then quickly added, "Theoretically, I shouldn't need crutches by then."

"And the other thing?" his mom asked him, her tone still neutral, so Evan still had hope.

He reached over to his backpack, knowing they'd get more information that way, and quickly dug the permission slip out of it. He then automatically handed it to his mother, as it was an unwritten rule that her opinion carried a bit more weight when it came to their household.

Her eyes quickly ran over the paper, but it didn't take long for her to notice the words New York in large letters.

"New York?" His mom's expression turned into a grimace, and Evan knew he had to save the situation quickly.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." He nodded vigorously. Even though it wasn't entirely true and if he managed to get a scholarship, New York would be his life, his mom didn't need to know that.

"Sleeping at your friend's house and sleeping in New York miles away from us is different, Evan," was the next thing she said.

"Does that mean I can sleep over at Josh's?" he tried.

His mom sighed loudly, but at least his dad seemed amused by his attempt. "One thing at a time," he said, and his tone was far from serious, giving Evan hope that they would eventually say yes.

"If your leg is okay by then, you can spend the night at his place," his mom said, surprising him, but thankfully he managed to control his expression and didn't show it.

"Thank you, thank you!" He beamed at her.

"Yes, yes." She waved her hand as if it wasn't a big deal.

"About New York..." she began right away, and his smile quickly fell. "We'll talk about it with your dad and let you know." At the mention of his father, Evan shifted his gaze to him and automatically gave him puppy dog eyes. His father, however, had expected it and just rolled his eyes at him, still looking amused by his attempts.

"Even if we say yes, it's still a large sum of money, so you'll have to contribute," he warned him. Evan immediately started nodding in agreement. He didn't see a problem with it, since he still had money saved up from birthdays and contests he had won in the past.

"So you're not saying no?" he asked cautiously.

"We're not saying yes either," his mom immediately told him.

"Okay," he agreed, deciding that that was enough persuasion for today and he'd give it a try tomorrow so as not to anger them. "Angie's going too, by the way." However, he couldn't help but tell them this piece of information, which he knew was crucial to them.

"Oh, one more thing," he added, and his parents looked at him expectantly. "I love you." He gave them one last innocent smile, earning an eye roll from them, and they said the same thing back to him with an amused laugh. 

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