Chapter 59: Sounds

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Annika Remo

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Annika Remo

I couldn't sleep. The sound of gunshots from a few hours ago kept playing in my head like a broken record. The bed on the private plane felt cold and empty, even though I wasn't alone. The dark room seemed to close in around me, and the silence was almost deafening. It was the kind of silence that was louder than anything.

The pellow was wet and crumpled up in my grip as I stared out the window, but all I could see was the image of blood seeping through a white shirt, staining the fabric a sickening crimson. My stomach flipped over on itself, and I closed my eyes. I know Matteo is doing everything to protect me, but I'm terrified. He's risking his life. I can't lose him. I can't.

I love him.

The door of the room opened and Matteo's warm, woodsy scent surrounded me, pulling me back to the present. "Tesoro?"

"Hey." I tried to sound bright and alert, but I was so exhausted. "Everything okay?"

"Yes. We are taking off now." I glanced out the window. He was right. I could see the sun peeking over the horizon and the clouds that looked like cotton candy dreams. Matteo was safe. He was okay. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes.

"Go back to sleep," Matteo ordered, his voice soft and soothing. I was already halfway there, and the feeling of his body against mine made me feel warm and protected.

"What's wrong, cara mia?" His voice was a deep whisper.

"I just wanted you here with me," I whispered back, and then he was lifting me and laying me across his body, my head cradled in the crook of his arm. I nestled into his embrace, feeling the weight of the world melt away. Matteo's presence was like a shield, guarding me from any harm that might try to infiltrate my thoughts. With his arms wrapped around me, I felt a sense of security I hadn't known before. His touch was gentle yet possessive, as if he never wanted to let me go. In that moment, I realised that he was not just my protector, but my sanctuary. His warmth seeped into my bones, easing the anxieties that had plagued me throughout the night.

"Sleep, Annika. You're safe," he soothed, his fingers running through my hair, lulling me back to sleep. Even though he might be the don of the underworld, he will always be my hero.

"I love you," I murmured sleepily.

"Ti amo, Tesoro. Per sempre," he whispered, and then everything faded away.



"We are landing soon," Matteo said, and I nodded, blinking the sleep out of my eyes. We'd been in the air for six hours. Going to Germany meant fighting back, but I had a feeling that we had a better chance there than in America. The flight crew brought out the breakfast. The omelette was fluffy, and the mushrooms were buttery. The bread was fresh and crusty, but still, I couldn't eat it.

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