Chapter 36: Accident

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Annika Remo

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Annika Remo

I'm on the verge of screaming. He'll be back later tonight. For today, everything has kept my thoughts occupied. And I'll soon be able to run into his warm embrace. Maybe it's a ridiculous concept, but what can I say? I want to see people reunited. I enjoy the impatience, the stories that the mouth can't tell quickly enough, the ears that aren't big enough, and the eyes that can't take it all in. I enjoy cuddling, bringing people together, and putting an end to missing someone.

I awoke unusually early, showering and putting on my hearing aids before heading downstairs to assist the maids. With a little help from everyone I could manage, I have a beautiful idea of what I want to do. I hope I could meet him when he arrives, but I know I won't be able to leave the estate, much less travel there. I begin baking before tying my hair back with a ribbon.

I begin making the cookies, I set the pie on the counter. "Miss, allow me," I smile and shake my head. "Thank you, it's okay. Would you mind getting started on the biscuits?" She agrees and brightnes up. It's nice to have some company in the kitchen.

Cooking and baking are both mental and physical therapy. 

As I went to put the cookies in the oven, my stomach began to hurt severely. When the tray slipped from my grasp, I grabbed the counter for support. Period cramps are the worst. Why now, of all days? "Are you alright, Miss Annika?"

I straighten up as I try to control the agony by breathing. "Yes, I apologise about the mess. I'll take care of it. All I need is some water." She brought me a glass of water, which I quickly drank before regaining my composure. It's not the first time I've had to deal with pain. When I was alone in the attic in the cold and my period came, it was the most excruciating pain I had ever experienced. For days, I couldn't move. Mitchell would be the only one who would back me up. I miss her terribly. Maybe when all of this craziness has passed, I'll be able to see my mother and Mitchell. 

"Please take a seat, and we'll start a new batch of cookies." Everyone is very loving and always there for my needs, even if I can do things myself, so I smile at her kind words. I know I irritate them because I rarely allow them to assist me. I simply do not want to worry anyone "No, seriously, I'm alright. Thank you. I have a lot of work to do before they return." She laughs. 

"Miss Annika you mean 'We'. How could I allow you to do everything on your own." Simple kindness may be the most vital key to the riddle of how human beings can live with each other in peace, and care properly for this planet we live on. 

Do things for people. Not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are. "Thank you," I say, smiling brightly at my team who will be helping me.

In a matter of minutes, I was up and running about, doing stuff. I sought assistance from Matteo's men, who were perplexed as they observed me rushing around like a lunatic. I used to think I was an oddball, too. I forced them to use helium to fill the balloons. Why are there balloons? Simply, trust the process.

I rush upstairs after completing at 7 p.m. and putting everything back where it belongs. If I claimed I wasn't tired of cleaning, I'd be lying. Although my stomach is feeling better, the ache is still present. I start giggling at myself when I look in the mirror. I had flour on my face and generally looked like a mess.

I get dressed and make my way down the stairs, staring at my finished product in the kitchen. There was a balloon sheep and balloon letters that spell out 'two thousand'. Why? Because in the last week, I counted a total of two thousand sheep. I don't mind if you call me cheesy. Isn't it true that it's the effort that counts?

I sat on the couch, anticipating his arrival. After two hours, there was still no trace of him. I tried calling him, but he didn't answer. Perhaps something was wrong, or perhaps he was harmed. I'm overthinking things. I got up and headed upstairs to the library. I walked back down, grabbed a book, and sat on the same sofa, reading to keep my mind off things. This book, on the other hand, was not working. For the past 30 minutes, I've been reading the same page, attempting to figure out what it's saying. I try contacting Diego instead of closing the book, but he doesn't pick up either, and it's starting to worry me.

It was pouring outside, and all I could do was sit and worry while watching the rain. Rain always has a relaxing effect on me. My stomach wasn't doing me any favors either. It was twelve o'clock at night, and I was becoming weary, but I wouldn't shut my eyes until I knew he was safe.

Time was just slow as it ever could be. I was in my thoughts when I heard the maid's voice, "Miss..." I quickly got up. 

"Diego just called...they got into an accident..." Her words cut there, my mind was spinning. I was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding me in a tightening grip. I took two small steps backward. The only sound I was hearing was the ringing of my ears. My heartfelt like it was shattering into little pieces. The color quickly drained from my face. 

It can't be true, I won't believe it. A tightening of my throat and a short intake of breath as my eyes wet with tears. I started running towards the front door, I need to get to him. I opened the front door and was about to go when a familiar person was in front of me. I look up and my heart stops beating. 

Without wasting a second I jump into his arms as my body wracked with an onslaught of sobs and tears. His long arms circled me immediately, making their way around my back in a steel grip. My body is firmly held against his. I became oblivious to the world around us. 

I just held him tightly just like how he held me because I needed reassurance that he was here. Slowly I pull away, my eyes still filled with tears. His thumb brushed against my cheek and I lean into his touch as warmth seeps into me. Our eyes were doing the talking. I had to reach up on my tip-toes, but he just yanked me up, closer to him. Before could think, he brought his lips down on mine. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. 

And he's kissing me. Once, twice, until I've had a taste and realize I'll never have enough. He's everywhere up my back and over my arms and suddenly he's kissing me harder, deeper, with a fervent urgent need I've never known before. Like our lives depend on it. His tongue slips inside my mouth, gentle but demanding, and it's nothing like I've ever experienced, and I suddenly understand why people describe kissing as melting because every square inch of my body dissolves into his.

 My fingers grip his hair, pulling him closer. My pulse throbs and my heart explodes. I have missed him so much. His face has the slightest bit of stubble and it rubs my skin but I don't care, I don't care at all. I pull away breathing, as he rests his forehead on mine. "I-I was so scared, Matteo." I looked up at him, his eyes already glued to mine.

He wipes my tears away, with a slight smile "I wouldn't let anything happen to you." I shake my head disagreeing with him.  

"I was scared of losing you. Matteo...I...I can't lose you." Tears run down my already wet cheeks. He places a gentle and lingering kiss on my forehead taking my breath away "You won't."

I smile through my tears as his gaze shifts to the foyer, lifting a brow. "I believe I miscounted the sheep; I counted over two thousand." He chuckles, which makes my tummy flutter even more. 

"I missed you, Amore mio," my smile widens even more, "I missed you more."  


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